1984 Community Profiles: A Descriptive Picture of Communities in Allegheny County

This compilation includes 8 historical datasets, part of the collection of the Pittsburgh University Library System. Prepared by the Health and Welfare Planning Association, and funded by the Richard King Melon Foundation, the profiles were intended to inform the people, organizations and businesses of Allegheny County about the characteristics of the communities in which they lived, worked and played so they could make better decisions.

Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.

Daten und Ressourcen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Public Access Level Comment
Temporal Coverage 1984
Geographic Unit Neighborhood
Data Notes

Data were transcribed from the atlas volumes by University of Pittsburgh student Erica Short, a student-employee of the University Library System.

Related Document(s)
Frequency - Data Change Not Updated (Historical Only)
Frequency - Publishing Not Updated (Historical Only)
Data Steward Digital Scholarship Services, University of Pittsburgh Library System
Data Steward Email Digital Scholarship Services, University of Pittsburgh Library System