Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description

City of Pittsburgh Neighborhoods

BLACKdeaths text

Number of African American/Black Deaths from 2011-2015
(These are total counts for the 5 years (NOT an average))

Black MD AGE AT DEATH text

The Median age of death for the African American/black population. A null value indicates that there were less than 5 deaths and median age data was suppressed to protect privacy. (The median age of death is a 5-year grouped median)

WHITEdeaths text

Number of White deaths from 2011-2015 (These are total counts for the 5 years (NOT an average))

White MD AGE AT DEATH text

The Median age of death for the white population. A null value indicates that there were less than 5 deaths and median age data was suppressed to protect privacy. (The median age of death is a 5-year grouped median)

TOTALdeaths* text

Total number of deaths from 2011-2015.
Total deaths include other and unknown races.


The Median age of death for the total population A null value indicates that there were less than 5 deaths and median age data was suppressed to protect privacy.
(The Median age of death for the total population A null value indicates that there were less than 5 deaths and median age data was suppressed to protect privacy.)

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated August 30, 2017
Metadata last updated May 21, 2023
Created August 30, 2017
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idee735209-4de7-4ea4-b446-bf0f0f6d9cb3
Revision id7c1fdace-5ee6-4431-9089-a67e3fc86f85
Url typeupload