Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
CT text

Census Tract

BLPAD text

Total number of members, who are Allegheny County residents and who were effectively enrolled for at least 90 continuous days during the 2015 calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31).

BLPAN text

Total number of members who met the denominator criteria, who are diagnosed with Diabetes & diagnosed with Hyperlipidemia.

BLWAD text

Total number of women members, who are Allegheny County residents and who were effectively enrolled for at least 90 continuous days during the 2015 calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31).

BLWAN text

Total number of women members who met the denominator criteria, who are diagnosed with Diabetes & diagnosed with Hyperlipidemia.

BLMAD text

Total number of male members, who are Allegheny County residents and who were effectively enrolled for at least 90 continuous days during the 2015 calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31).

BLMAN text

Total number of male members who met the denominator criteria, who are diagnosed with Diabetes & diagnosed with Hyperlipidemia.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated December 17, 2018
Metadata last updated May 21, 2023
Created December 17, 2018
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package ideca6c040-1daa-461b-a6c5-d18e88a49035
Revision idb9bbc273-230a-438c-9d48-ade775c42910
Size11.6 KiB
Url typeupload