Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
death_date_and_time timestamp

Death date and time for morgue autopsy case.

manner_of_death text

Manner of death for morgue autopsy case determined by the case pathologist.

age int4

Age of Decedent for the morgue autopsy case.

sex text

Sex of Decedent for the morgue autopsy case.

race text

Race of Decedent for the morgue autopsy case.

case_dispo text Case Disposition

Jurisdiction of case as a morgue autopsy case.

combined_od1 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od2 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od3 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od4 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od5 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od6 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od7 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od8 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od9 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

combined_od10 text

Chemical name of Drug found as cause of death in combined Overdose. In alphabetical order by drug name.

incident_zip text

Zip Code for where the medical examiner's office receives the body

decedent_zip text

Zip Code for the decedent's address. (This value is no longer available from the data source.)

case_year int4

Medical Examiner Case Year

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 10, 2025
Metadata last updated March 10, 2025
Created February 14, 2019
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id7fb0505e-8e2c-4825-b22c-4fbee8fc8010
Revision idc5b3240d-299e-4a36-9a05-7e3a6ba47c23
Size337 KiB
Url typedatapusher