Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
datetime_utc timestamp UTC Datetime
datetime_et timestamp Local Datetime
latitude float8 Latitude

Latitude of the center of the grid cell that the air quality prediction is for.

longitude float8 Longitude

Longitude of the center of the grid cell that the air quality prediction is for.

parameter text Parameter

Air quality parameter being forecast. Parameters include CO (carbon monoxide), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) and PM25_RH35_GCC (PM2.5 - tiny inhalable particles (with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or less), which are unhealthy to breathe in).

value float8 Parameter value

The concentration of the air quality parameter.

units text Units

The units that the air quality parameter are in. (Note that these units do not match the units used in the Allegheny County Air Quality dataset, so make sure to do any necessary conversions when making cross-dataset comparisons.)

aqi int4 AQI

Air Quality Index: A standard scale from 0 to 500, that makes it easier to understand how harmful a given concentration of a pollutant would be. An AQI of 0 to 50 is considered Good, 51 to 100 is Moderate, 101 to 150 is Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, 151 to 200 us Unhealthy, 201 to 300 is Very Unhealthy, and > 300 is Hazardous. For some parameters, there will be null/empty values for some times. For instance, an AQI that requires a 24-hour average will not be calculated until Day 2 of the forecasts, so that there are 24 records over which to average.

aqi_descriptor text AQI Descriptor

Translates the Air Quality Index value into the official term for the level of concern (e.g., 151 to 200 is "Unhealthy").

aqi_type text AQI Type

Specifies how the AQI is calculated (as different pollutants can use rolling averages over different time spans).

place text Place

A human-readable name for a place within the geographic area of the prediction. This is kind of a landmark to help users find places of interest in the table.

latitude_str text Latitude (string)

A string representation of the latitude in the latitude column (which has a numerical type).

longitude_str text Longitude (string)

A string representation of the longitude in the longitude column (which has a numerical type).

date_of_prediction date Date of prediction

This is the date that the prediction was made (which should not be confused with the date that the prediction is for). For instance, on the first day of the year 2030, this field would have the value 2030-01-01 for all records, while the datetime_utc value will different values, indicating the different days/times that are being predicted.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 12, 2025
Metadata last updated March 12, 2025
Created February 1, 2024
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id3cd6ab18-61aa-4f7d-90fd-0c8341254b67
Url typedatapusher