13 datasets found

Tags: public safety

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  • Current asbestos permit data issued by the County for commercial building demolitions and renovations as required by the EPA. This file is updated daily and can be downloaded below. If you're looking for the documents themselves, click on the link directly below to navigate to Allegheny County's Open Document...
  • A daily census of the inmates at the Allegheny County Jail (ACJ). Includes gender, race, age at booking, and current age. The records for each month contain a census for every day, therefore many inmates records are repeated each day. Another representation of this data is the County's jail population management...
  • Facilities located within Allegheny County that produce, distribute and sell food products are subject to mandatory, routine inspection by one of the health department's staff of environmental health specialists. This dataset contains the violation data from the searchable inspection reports posted online here:...
  • Pittsburgh Police Arrest Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future. Arrest data contains information on people taken into custody by City of Pittsburgh police officers. More serious crimes such as felony offenses are more...
  • This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future. The 30-Day Police Blotter contains the most recent initial crime incident data, updated on a nightly basis. All data is reported at the block/intersection...
  • This data ceased updating with the transition to a new records management system on 11/14/2023. Access to the updated data source will be provided in the future. The Police Blotter Archive contains crime incident data after it has been validated and processed to meet Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standards,...
  • This dataset shows the magisterial districts in Allegheny County. This dataset is harvested on a periodic basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal (https://openac.alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/). The full metadata record for this dataset can also be found on Allegheny County’s GIS portal. You can access the...
  • In Pittsburgh, Autonomous Vehicle (AV) companies have been testing autonomous vehicles since September 2016. However, the tech is new, and there have been some high-profile behavior that we believe warrants a larger conversation. So in early 2017, we set out to design a survey to see both how BikePGH donor-members,...
  • This data includes counts of firearms by type seized by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Each row describes a seizure incident involving one or more firearms. Firearm seizures can occur for several reasons. One of the Bureau of Police justifications for seizing a firearm involves a suspicion that a firearm was used...
  • This dataset lists the locations and results of all commercial vehicle inspections performed by the Allegheny County Police Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP). The goal of the MCSAP is to reduce CMV-involved crashes, fatalities, and injuries through consistent, uniform, and effective CMV safety...
  • This is the shapefile for the Allegheny County fire districts.
  • Police Officer Training

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset shows the time spent by currently active Pittsburgh Police Officers in professional development training. Officers who are no longer employed in the Police Bureau are not included in this data. The data is presented in two ways: total, cumulative hours spent in training, per year, by category and total...
  • Police Community Outreach

    City of Pittsburgh

    Community outreach activities attended by Pittsburgh Police Officers, starting from January 1 2016. Includes Zone, Event Name, Location, Date and Time.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).