164 datasets found for "Allegheny County"

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  • Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Westmoreland County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and...
  • Washington County Crash Data

    Allegheny County

    Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Washington County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and...
  • Butler County Crash Data

    Allegheny County

    Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Butler County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and is...
  • Beaver County Crash Data

    Allegheny County

    Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Beaver County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and is...
  • This compilation includes 8 historical datasets, part of the collection of the Pittsburgh University Library System. Prepared by the Health and Welfare Planning Association, and funded by the Richard King Melon Foundation, the profiles were intended to inform the people, organizations and businesses of Allegheny...
  • Allegheny Land Trust GREENPRINT

    Allegheny Land Trust

    ALT’s GREENPRINT methodology involved collecting, compiling, and analyzing a vast set of available data and reports on the region’s land and water resources. GIS technology was applied to processing and integrating information in order to identify lands in Allegheny County with the greatest capacity to perform...
  • As part of her transition to County Executive, Sara Innamorato released a survey to understand the priorities of the residents of Allegheny County. In total, 18,835 residents engaged with the All In Allegheny Community Survey, answering some of the questions on the survey. The All In Allegheny Team analyzed all...
  • The Allegheny Home Improvement Loan Program (AHILP) is the most affordable way for eligible Allegheny County residents to rehabilitate and improve their homes. AHILP provides low interest home improvement loans to qualified owner occupiers. The program is administered by the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny...
  • Pittsburgh Regional Transit Transit Stops

    Pittsburgh Regional Transit

    All transit stops within the Pittsburgh Regional Transit's service area for the 1909 schedule period: 9/1/2019 to 11/23/2019.
  • Implemented Stormwater Control Measures, ACCD

    Allegheny County Conservation District

    Shows the locations of Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) that were implemented as a condition of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (ESCGP) permits within Allegheny County, PA. Specifically, this data set consists of SCMs associated with...
  • COVID-19 Resources

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    As the situation is changing quickly, we're just listing here some links to local and statewide information pertaining to the COVID-19 epidemic. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.
  • Pittsburgh Regional Transit Transit Routes

    Pittsburgh Regional Transit

    Shapefiles of Pittsburgh Regional Transit routes. Routes change over time. The 4-digit code corresponds to the "pick" or schedule period of that route; for example, the schedule period beginning in September 2019 is known as the 1909 pick.
  • This dataset includes Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (PA UCP) Firms certified as Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (ACDBE)/Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBEs) by the Department of Equity and Inclusion. It does not include all PA UCP certified businesses in Allegheny County. A...
  • Dataset includes grant, project, and contractor awarded which are tracked for ensuring Davis-Bacon Act compliance where applicable. The 1931 Davis-Bacon Act requires the payment of prevailing wage rates to all laborers and mechanics on Federally assisted construction projects.
  • In 2021, Allegheny County Economic Development (ACED), in partnership with Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh(URA), completed the a Market Value Analysis (MVA) for Allegheny County. This analysis services as both an update to previous MVA’s commissioned separately by ACED and the URA and combines the MVA...
  • Motivation This dataset was created to pilot techniques for creating synthetic data from datasets containing sensitive and protected information in the local government context. Synthetic data generation replaces actual data with representative data generated from statistical models; this preserves the key data...
  • 2010 Census Blocks with Geographic Codes Southwestern PA

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    This file can be used as a tool to append geographic codes to geocoded point data. The file was developed by Pitt's Center for Social and Urban Research and provides the county, census tract, county subarea/municipality, Allegheny County Council District, PA House and Senate District numbers, school district, and...
  • Applications for Development, ACCD

    Allegheny County Conservation District

    Approved applications for development that were received and reviewed by the Allegheny County Conservation District (ACCD). Application types consist of Chapter 102 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, E&S plan reviews for sites not needing an NPDES permit, Erosion and Sediment...
  • Public WiFi Locations

    Allegheny County

    This dataset shows the location of institutional and crowdsourced WiFi locations in Western Pennsylvania. This dataset used to be harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal (http://openac.alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/). Department: Department of Human Services
  • This data set provides de-identified population data for diabetes and hypertension comorbidity prevalence in Allegheny County. The data is provided by three managed care organizations in Allegheny County (Gateway Health Plan, Highmark Health, and UPMC) and represents their insured population for the 2015 and 2016...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).