This dataset demarcates the U.S. Legislative Congressional district boundaries within Allegheny County. This data was extracted for Allegheny County from the League of Women Voters.
Allegheny County Addressing Landmarks
Allegheny County
This dataset shows the address points in Allegheny County. Usage The value in the ADDRESS_ID field lets you look up more information about the landmark locations in the Addressing Address Points dataset (https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-addressing-address-points2), including the geocoordinates (though... -
Allegheny County Block Areas
Allegheny County
This dataset overlays a grid on the County to assist in locating a parcel. The grid squares are 3,500 by 4,500 square feet. The data was derived from original MAPINDX: Map Index Sheets from Block and Lot Grid of Property Assessment and based on aerial photography. Tiles are numbered in a clockwise spiral fashion... -
This dataset demarcates municipal voting districts in Allegheny County. Allegheny County Elections Districts were updated in 2019 to match municipal boundaries. Coordinate System: Pennsylvania State Plane South Zone 3702; U.S. Survey Foot Data Dictionary: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HR24LyBNpLwvJZoaGp-...
Allegheny County Addressing Address Points
Allegheny County
This dataset shows the Address Points in Allegheny County. The Address Points were created by GDR for the Allegheny County CAD project, October 2008. Data is updated by County staff as changes and corrections are found, on a continuous basis. Updates are sent to PASDA monthly. The most authoritative source for this... -
Allegheny County Census Block Groups 2016
Allegheny County
This is an Allegheny County extract of the 2016 US Census Block Groups downloaded from the following website: https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-cart-boundary.html. This dataset was previously harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal... -
City of Pittsburgh Traffic Count
City of Pittsburgh
This traffic-count data is provided by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Mobility & Infrastructure (DOMI). Counters were deployed as part of traffic studies, including intersection studies, and studies covering where or whether to install speed humps. In some cases, data may have been collected by the... -
Allegheny County Zip Code Boundaries
Allegheny County
This dataset demarcates the zip code boundaries that lie within Allegheny County. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal... -
Allegheny County Building Footprint Locations
Allegheny County
This dataset contains photogrammetrically compiled roof outlines of buildings. All near orthogonal corners are square. Buildings that are less than 400 square feet are not captured. Special consideration is given to garages that are less than 400 square feet and will be digitized when greater than 200 square feet.... -
Allegheny County Addressing Street Centerlines
Allegheny County
This dataset contains street centerlines for vehicular and foot traffic in Allegheny County. Street Centerlines are classified as Primary Road, Secondary Road, Unpaved Road, Limited Access Road, Connecting Road, Jeep Trail, Walkway, Stairway, Alleyway and Unknown. A Primary Road is a street paved with either...