21 datasets found for "etl"

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  • Landslides Pomeroy Study

    Allegheny County

    This dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County's GIS data portal. For more information about landslides in Allegheny County, visit the Allegheny County Landslide Portal.
  • This dataset contains data on all Real Property parcels that have sold since 2013 in Allegheny County, PA. Before doing any market analysis on property sales, check the sales validation codes. Many property "sales" are not considered a valid representation of the true market value of the property. For example, when...
  • A list of dog license dates, dog breeds, and dog name by zip code. Currently this dataset does not include City of Pittsburgh dogs.
  • The Allegheny County data warehouse was created to support integrated social services for people and to improve decision-making to create better systems to serve people in the County. The warehouse is managed by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS). This resource uses information from the...
  • Facilities located within Allegheny County that produce, distribute and sell food products are subject to mandatory, routine inspection by one of the health department's staff of environmental health specialists. This dataset contains the violation data from the searchable inspection reports posted online here:...
  • Official, certified results of primary, general, and special elections held in Allegheny County. (Note that the most recent results may not yet be certified. Please check the link at https://www.alleghenycounty.us/Government/Elections/Election-Results to determine whether the results have been certified.)
  • This dataset includes information from inspection reports of permitted swimming pools, recirculating spray pads, and hot tubs/spas in Allegheny County. In conjunction with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), and under the framework of their SAFE Aquatic Data Standard, a selection of fields was...
  • Fatal accidental overdose incidents in Allegheny County, denoting age, gender, race, drugs present, zip code of incident and zip code of residence. Zip code of incident is where the Office of the Medical Examiner received the body, not necessarily where the overdose occurred. Data includes closed cases only and the...
  • Allegheny County Plumbers

    Allegheny County

    All master plumbers must be registered with the Allegheny County Health Department. Only Registered Master Plumbers who possess a current plumbing license or owner/occupant of an existing single family dwelling may apply for a plumbing permit. Plumbing permits are required to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move,...
  • Tax liens are a method the government uses to secure an interest in unpaid tax debt. This dataset represents information about county, municipal, school district, and water/sewer tax liens by parcel (and property identification number, where available). This dataset includes the name of the municipality, county or...
  • Allegheny County Air Quality

    Allegheny County

    Air quality data is collected from the Allegheny County Health Department monitors throughout the county. This data must be verified by qualified individuals before it can be considered official. The following data is unverified. This means that any electrical disruption or equipment malfunction can report erroneous...
  • This dataset includes Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (PA UCP) Firms certified as Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (ACDBE)/Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBEs) by the Department of Equity and Inclusion. It does not include all PA UCP certified businesses in Allegheny County. A...
  • Real Property parcel characteristics for Allegheny County, PA. Includes information pertaining to land, values, sales, abatements, and building characteristics (if residential) by parcel. Disclaimer: Parcel information is provided from the Office of Property Assessments in Allegheny County. Content and availability...
  • Allegheny County Crash Data

    Allegheny County

    Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Allegheny County from 2004 to 2022. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and is...
  • This dataset originally housed Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections violations (2015-2020), and has now been expanded to include violations logged by other units (including DOMI) from 2020-06-01 until the present. These data are used to manage and track all updates to casefiles by city employees and can...
  • COVID-19 Vaccination data as reported by the County's health department. On May 19, 2023, with the rescinding of the COVID-19 public health emergency, changes in data and reporting mechanisms prompted a change in the municipal counts. Data attributes listed as 'Archive Only' within the below description are...
  • Pittsburgh Fish Fry Locations

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Lenten Fish Fry records for the Greater Pittsburgh region. Data is collected before and during the Lenten fish fry season each year by Code for Pittsburgh. Data is sourced from news outlets, social media, and public requests.
  • Mail carriers routinely collect data on address no longer receiving mail due to vacancy. This vacancy data is reported quarterly at census tract geographies in the United States for residential, commercial, and industrial properties along with counts of total mailing addresses. Preprocessing/Formatting The data is...
  • The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data provides information about toxic substances released into the environment or managed through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment in the United States. Annual releases are compiled and reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and shared on the TRI...
  • A daily census of the inmates at the Allegheny County Jail (ACJ). Includes gender, race, age at booking, and current age. The records for each month contain a census for every day, therefore many inmates records are repeated each day. Another representation of this data is the County's jail population management...
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