Global Landslides’s Lo Barnechea neighborhoodThe landslides also impacted – though less severely – Santiago’s Lo Barnechea neighborhood, located near the Andean foothills.Santiago’s Lo Barnechea neighborhood10kmlandslidedownpourmediumunknown00GLC1144-33.35-70.5167ChileCLRegión Metropolitana de SantiagoEulogio Sanchez11.72014/04/012018/06/23POINT (-70.5167000000000000 -33.3500000000000000) TownshipHeavy rain in southwest China has left at least nine dead and 62 missing, officials reported Thursday, after landslides crushed homes, bridges collapsed, and dozens of villages were cut off. At least two people were confirmed dead and 21 were missing aftZhongxing Townshipunknownlandslidedownpourmediumunknown20GLC507230.9202103.6205ChinaCNSichuanGuan Xian9.272014/04/012018/06/23POINT (103.6205000000000000 30.9202000000000000) Sound RoadA landslide on Sunday evening has closed a popular forest service road on Haida Gwaii, which links Highway 16 with the west coast of Graham Island.Rennell Sound Road25kmmudslidedownpoursmallabove_road00 ColumbiaQueen Charlotte23.962014/12/042018/06/23POINT (-132.4149000000000000 53.3319000000000000) causes Landslides in Tubang RegencuA number of sub-districts and villages in Tubang Regencu, East Java, were hit by flash floods and landslides triggered by heavy rain from Friday until Saturday. No casualties were reported in the flash flood and the landslides. Tuban Disaster MitigatioTubang Regencu, East Java, Indonesia100kmlandslidefloodinglargenatural_slope00GLC-7.897214112.877378IndonesiaIDJawa TimurWonokitri3.12017/07/122018/06/23POINT (112.8773780000000000 -7.8972140000000000) Channel 4 Mill Road Mudslide between Moody Road and Altamont RoadA mudslide has caused delays in Palo Alto Monday afternoon. One lane of Page Mill Road is open between Moody and Altamont roads as of 3:45 p.m. and traffic is being controlled in the area.11901-11985 Page Mill Rd, Los Altos, California, 94022exactmudsliderainsmallabove_road00GLC37.36321806-122.16897264United StatesUSCaliforniaMoffett Field Naval Air Station12.232017/10/252018/06/23POINT (-122.1689726359999800 37.3632180550000600)