14 datasets found

Grupy: Environment Organizacje: City of Pittsburgh

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  • Pittsburgh Watersheds

    City of Pittsburgh

    Watersheds for surface water streams and rivers within Pittsburgh boundaries. StreamStats was the original source, and the geometry was simplified afterwards.
  • 2014 FEMA Flood Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    This is an extract from the Official FEMA Data. For any questions about this data, go to https://www.fema.gov/faq-details/GIS-Data
  • 25% or Greater Slope

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh 25% Slope of Greater
  • Undermined Areas

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Undermined Areas
  • Greenways

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Greenways
  • Parks

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Parks
  • Landslide Prone Areas

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Landslide Prone Areas
  • Neighborhoods with SNAP Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Neighborhoods
  • Snow Plow Activity (2018-2020)

    City of Pittsburgh

    Snow Plow GPS readings during declared City of Pittsburgh Snow Events. Includes readings on plow (up or down) and salt spreader speed. Please note: The system tracking snow plows was not fully deployed for the 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 seasons. Therefore readings from these events may not include all the vehicles or...
  • Snow Plow Activity (2015-2016)

    City of Pittsburgh

    Snow Plow data from the the City of Pittsburgh's Snow Plow Tracker. These data are collected from the Snow Plow Tracker's Fusion Table and converted to geoJSON. Each file is named using the timestamp representation of the date and time the corresponding 'Snow Event' started.
  • City of Pittsburgh Trees

    City of Pittsburgh

    Trees cared for and managed by the City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Forestry Division. Tree Benefits are calculated using the National Tree Benefit Calculator Web Service. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2020 because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.
  • Riverfront Zoning Overlay

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Riverfront Zoning Overlay District
  • Data from the Pittsburgh Open Space Plan - Transition Map
  • Pittsburgh Beautify The Burgh

    City of Pittsburgh

    Beautify The Burgh