Municipal Building Energy Use Data Dictionary 2015-10-14T21:37:50.655936Z ckan 2015-10-14T21:37:50.655936Z ckan 2 Property Name Name of the property ckan 2015-10-14T21:37:50.655936Z ckan 3 Address 1 Street address of the property ckan 2015-10-14T21:37:50.655936Z ckan 4 Property GFA - Self-Reported (ft²) The Gross Floor Area (GFA) is the total property square footage, measured between the principal exterior surfaces of the enclosing fixed walls of the building. This includes all areas inside the building including supporting areas. ckan 2015-10-14T21:37:50.655936Z ckan 5 Year Ending Last date of energy data collection from the site, for that year ckan 2015-10-14T21:37:50.655936Z ckan 6 Site EUI (kBtu/ft²) Energy Use Intensity of the site: total energy consumed by the building in one year (measured in kBtu or GJ), divided by the total gross floor area of the building