Data Dictionary

Kolumna Typ Label Opis
stname text State
tractfips text census tract

In this case the census tract codes are preceded by the state and county code (42003XXXXXX)

2000 Tract text Census tract codes for 2000 - 2010

Because the study years spanned 2006-2010 in some cases the census tracts differed. This is why both are listed.

2010 Tract text Census tract codes for 2010- 2020

Because the study years spanned 2006-2010 in some cases the census tracts differed. This is why both are listed.

Municipality text

In cases where the same Municipality is listed more than once use the City Neighborhood to differentiate between the data

Neighborhood text

If the tract is outside of the Pittsburgh City then the Neighborhood will be listed the same as the Municipality

2006-2010 estimate of obesity text

estimated rate of obesity

Dodatkowe informacje

Pole Wartość
Data last updated 23 stycznia 2017
Metadata last updated 21 maja 2023
Created 23 stycznia 2017
Format CSV
Licencja Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idb049da40-910a-4b9d-9438-ff584e432bb1
Revision id13f5665f-cbff-4788-9bfe-8433f5e399c5
Url typeupload