4 datasets found

Tagi: building

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  • This is now a historical archive. For current PLI permits, and permits dating back to 2019-06-01, see the new PLI Permits dataset. Summary of building permits Issued by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Permits Licenses and Inspections (PLI).
  • Municipal Building Energy Usage

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data set contains energy use data from 2009-2014 for 139 municipally operated buildings. Metrics include: Site & Source EUI, annual electricity, natural gas and district steam consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and energy cost. Weather-normalized data enable building performance comparisons over time,...
  • This dataset contains photogrammetrically compiled roof outlines of buildings. All near orthogonal corners are square. Buildings that are less than 400 square feet are not captured. Special consideration is given to garages that are less than 400 square feet and will be digitized when greater than 200 square feet....
  • Locations of and size of building footprints in Baldwin Borough
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