Allegheny County Primary Care Access
Allegheny County
The data on health care facilities includes the name and location of all the hospitals and primary care facilities in Allegheny County. The current listing of hospitals and primary care facilities is managed by the Allegheny County Health Department and is used in internal reporting and shared for public use.... -
Allegheny County Hospitals
Allegheny County
The data on health care facilities includes the name and location of all the hospitals and primary care facilities in Allegheny County. The current listing of hospitals and primary care facilities is managed by the Allegheny County Health Department and is used in internal reporting and shared for public use.... -
Childhood Asthma Healthcare Utilization
Allegheny County
This data shows healthcare utilization for asthma by Allegheny County residents 18 years of age and younger. It counts asthma-related visits to the Emergency Department (ED), hospitalizations, urgent care visits, and asthma controller medication dispensing events. The asthma data was compiled as part of the... -
City Revenues and Expenses
City of Pittsburgh
City Revenues and Expenses from the Operating Budget from 2012 to Present, updated every night from the City's JD Edwards ledger. NOTE: The updates to this dataset are currently broken. We are working on fixing the data pipeline. -
City Owned Publicly Available Properties (2015 Dataset)
City of Pittsburgh
Catalog of properties owned by the Pittsburgh that are available for sale. -
Test Pgh Today Vacancy Rate Housing
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
test of Pittsburgh Today regional housing data -
Pittsburgh Police Firearm Seizures
City of Pittsburgh
This data includes counts of firearms by type seized by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Each row describes a seizure incident involving one or more firearms. Firearm seizures can occur for several reasons. One of the Bureau of Police justifications for seizing a firearm involves a suspicion that a firearm was used... -
In 2017, the County Department of Economic Development, in conjunction with Reinvestment Fund, completed the 2016 Market Value Analysis (MVA) for Allegheny County. A similar MVA was completed with the Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority in 2016. The Market Value Analysis (MVA) offers an approach for community...
Allegheny County Commercial Vehicle Inspections
Allegheny County
This dataset lists the locations and results of all commercial vehicle inspections performed by the Allegheny County Police Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP). The goal of the MCSAP is to reduce CMV-involved crashes, fatalities, and injuries through consistent, uniform, and effective CMV safety... -
ACED Allegheny Home Improvement Loan Program (AHILP)
Allegheny County
The Allegheny Home Improvement Loan Program (AHILP) is the most affordable way for eligible Allegheny County residents to rehabilitate and improve their homes. AHILP provides low interest home improvement loans to qualified owner occupiers. The program is administered by the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny... -
2014 Capital Project Budgets
City of Pittsburgh
City of Pittsburgh capital project budgets. -
Allegheny County Municipal Land Use Ordinances
Allegheny County
Many municipalities have their own land use ordinances and establish standards and requirements for land use and development in that municipality. This dataset is reviewed and tracked by Allegheny County Economic Development. The data dictionary contains additional information that is helpful for navigation. -
Westmoreland County Crash Data
Allegheny County
Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Westmoreland County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and... -
Washington County Crash Data
Allegheny County
Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Washington County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and... -
Summer Meal Sites
City of Pittsburgh
Information pertaining to Summer Meal Sites, as collected by Citiparks in the City of Pittsburgh Department of Parks and Recreation. This dataset includes the address of each feeding site, the dates where meals start and stop being served, the days they operate, availability of hot and cold meals, availability of... -
Permitted Shelters
City of Pittsburgh
Inventory of all permitted shelters in the City of Pittsburgh. Includes facility name, shelter name, location, and number of grills and tables. -
Parcel Centroids in Allegheny County with Geographic Identifiers
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
Parcel centroids in Allegheny County. Centroids created by the Western PA Regional Data Center using County parcel shapes found on PASDA or WPRDC. Centroids have been drawn within the parcel boundary in most cases. The Data Center also appended a number of geographic codes to the data, including 2010 Census Blocks,... -
Field Listings
City of Pittsburgh
Listing of all baseball fields within the City of Pittsburgh. -
Butler County Crash Data
Allegheny County
Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Butler County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and is... -
Beaver County Crash Data
Allegheny County
Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Beaver County from 2011 to 2015. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and is...
You can also access this registry using the API (see Dokumentacja API).