PLI Permit Summary July 2021 2021-08-02T14:02:19.895273Z ckan 2021-08-02T14:02:19.895273Z ckan 2 EP-2021-06773 2021-07-01T00:00:00 0083-P-00241-0000-00 211 N WHITFIELD ST, Pittsburgh, 15206- East Liberty 11 ARNOLD BABAR LP KISKI VALLEY ELECTRIC INC ADDITION / ALTERATION Commercial - All other uses MODIFICATIONS TO ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IN LOBBIES AND RESTROOMS INCLUDING NEW LIGHTING AND BRANCH CIRCUITS 32000 ckan 2021-08-02T14:02:19.895273Z ckan 3 EP-2021-10816 2021-07-01T00:00:00 0049-J-00241-0000-00 248 38TH ST, Pittsburgh, PA 15201- Lower Lawrenceville 6 PHILLIBIN JEFFREY S & JERENE M Webster Electric LLC ADDITION / ALTERATION Residential - Two-Family Interior and exterior alteration to change the use of the building from mixed use retail and residential to two family dwelling. Addition of two story porch and stairs. Proposed new Guard for rear stairs shall be at least 36 inches in Height. 20000 ckan 2021-08-02T14:02:19.895273Z ckan 4 EP-2021-09290 2021-07-01T00:00:00 0049-R-00089-0000-00 4023 MINTWOOD ST, Pittsburgh, 15224- Bloomfield 9 D & D DESIGN & BUILD LLC Zimmermann Electric and Cabling, Co ADDITION / ALTERATION Residential - Single Family contractor gutting the house, service is recent and will remain. 5000 ckan 2021-08-02T14:02:19.895273Z ckan 5 EP-2021-05543 2021-07-01T00:00:00 0004-C-00042-0000-00 111 SHILOH ST, Pittsburgh, 15211- Mount Washington 19 RDC MICROWAVE INC Borrasso Electric LLC ADDITION / ALTERATION Commercial - All other uses REPLACE 6 ANTENNAS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT AT 139' ON EXISTING TOWER AND CABINET AT GROUND ENCLOSURE. 15000 ckan 2021-08-02T14:02:19.895273Z ckan 6 EP-2021-10886 2021-07-01T00:00:00 0035-C-00160-0000-00 1324 KENBERMA AVE, Pittsburgh, 15216- Beechview 19 SCHRADER FAMILY TRUST (THE) HEALY ELECTRICAL MINOR ALTERATION Residential - Two-Family null 600