2021 Primary https://data.wprdc.org/en_GB/datastore/odata3.0/1d37bc6b-b5ab-41ca-a006-da7de348b883 2021-10-26T11:01:54.759352Z https://data.wprdc.org/en_GB/datastore/odata3.0//1d37bc6b-b5ab-41ca-a006-da7de348b883(2) ckan 2021-10-26T11:01:54.759352Z ckan 2 2 DEM Justice of the Supreme Court (Vote For 1) Write-in DEM 1812 1.37 927187 268918 1323 1323 0 0 https://data.wprdc.org/en_GB/datastore/odata3.0//1d37bc6b-b5ab-41ca-a006-da7de348b883(3) ckan 2021-10-26T11:01:54.759352Z ckan 3 3 REP Justice of the Supreme Court (Vote For 1) Patricia A. McCullough REP 39530 59.15 927187 268918 1323 1323 0 0 https://data.wprdc.org/en_GB/datastore/odata3.0//1d37bc6b-b5ab-41ca-a006-da7de348b883(4) ckan 2021-10-26T11:01:54.759352Z ckan 4 4 REP Justice of the Supreme Court (Vote For 1) Kevin Brobson REP 22991 34.4 927187 268918 1323 1323 0 0 https://data.wprdc.org/en_GB/datastore/odata3.0//1d37bc6b-b5ab-41ca-a006-da7de348b883(5) ckan 2021-10-26T11:01:54.759352Z ckan 5 5 REP Justice of the Supreme Court (Vote For 1) Paula Patrick REP 3927 5.88 927187 268918 1323 1323 0 0 https://data.wprdc.org/en_GB/datastore/odata3.0//1d37bc6b-b5ab-41ca-a006-da7de348b883(6) ckan 2021-10-26T11:01:54.759352Z ckan 6 6 REP Justice of the Supreme Court (Vote For 1) Write-in REP 383 0.57 927187 268918 1323 1323 0 0