8 datasets found

Organizations: City of Pittsburgh Formats: XLSX

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  • This dataset contains all property in the City of Pittsburgh that is delinquent on property taxes for the given year.
  • The properties listed are receiving a property tax abatement issued by the City of Pittsburgh.
  • This dataset contains a listing of property owned by the City of Pittsburgh obtained from the City's Real Estate Database. For a more complete listing of City-owned properties obtained from the City's eProperties Plus database, please visit this WPRDC dataset: City-Owned Properties Dataset CHANGELOG 2023-09-22: This...
  • City Treasury Sales

    City of Pittsburgh

    A listing of all the properties currently available for sale at the City's Treasurer Sale. CHANGELOG 2023-09-21: This dataset's feed was restored, with significant changes to the published fields. One example is that more kinds of tax due are now published and a total_tax_due field was added.
  • This is now a historical archive. For current PLI permits, and permits dating back to 2019-06-01, see the new PLI Permits dataset. Summary of building permits Issued by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Permits Licenses and Inspections (PLI).
  • Municipal Building Energy Usage

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data set contains energy use data from 2009-2014 for 139 municipally operated buildings. Metrics include: Site & Source EUI, annual electricity, natural gas and district steam consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and energy cost. Weather-normalized data enable building performance comparisons over time,...
  • Operation Green Spaces

    City of Pittsburgh

    Inventory of City of Pittsburgh green spaces, maintained by the Operations Division in the Department of Public Works.
  • Catalog of properties owned by the Pittsburgh that are available for sale.