
Sarake Tyyppi Otsikko Kuvaus
id text Object ID

Object ID for each piece of equipment.

name text Playground Name

Name where equipment is located.

equipment_type text Equipment Type

Description of the type of equipment.

manufacturer text Manufacturer

Manufacturer of the equipment

safety_surface_type text Safety Surface Type

The safety surface installed underneath the equipment.

ada_accessible bool ADA Accessible

Whether or not the equipment is classified as ADA Accessible.

street_number text Street Number

Street number of the address where the equipment is located.

street text Street

Street address where the equipment is located.

neighborhood text Neighborhood

Neighborhood where the equipment is located.

council_district text Council District

Council District where the equipment is located.

ward text Ward

Ward where the equipment is located.

tract text Tract

Tract where the equipment is located.

public_works_division text Public Works Division

Public Works Division where the equipment is located.

pli_division text PLI Division

PLI (Permits, Licenses and Inspections) division where the equipment is located.

police_zone text Police Zone

Police Zone where the equipment is located.

fire_zone text Fire Zone

Bureau of Fire division where the equipment is located.

latitude float8 Latitude

Latitude data for the equipment's location.

longitude float8 Longitude

Longitude data for the equipment's location.


Kenttä Arvo
Data viimeksi päivitetty 19. joulukuuta 2022
Metatieto viimeksi päivitetty 21. toukokuuta 2023
Luotu 28. tammikuuta 2019
Muoto CSV
Lisenssi Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id4b9c5947-5645-4dbc-a7b6-eb323418fe02
Revision id418f193c-72f0-4fb5-b259-7d8fc617577e
Size52,4 KiB
Url typedatapusher