
Sarake Tyyppi Otsikko Kuvaus
Neighborhood text
Id text
Estimate; Total: text
Margin of Error; Total: text
Estimate; Male: text
Margin of Error; Male: text
Estimate; Male: - Management, business, science, and arts occup text
Margin of Error; Male: - Management, business, science, and art text
Estimate; Male: - Service occupations text
Margin of Error; Male: - Service occupations text
Estimate; Male: - Sales and office occupations text
Margin of Error; Male: - Sales and office occupations text
Estimate; Male: - Natural resources, construction, and maintena text
Margin of Error; Male: - Natural resources, construction, and m text
Estimate; Male: - Production, transportation, and material movi text
Margin of Error; Male: - Production, transportation, and materi text
Estimate; Female: text
Margin of Error; Female: text
Estimate; Female: - Management, business, science, and arts occ text
Margin of Error; Female: - Management, business, science, and a text
Estimate; Female: - Service occupations text
Margin of Error; Female: - Service occupations text
Estimate; Female: - Sales and office occupations text
Margin of Error; Female: - Sales and office occupations text
Estimate; Female: - Natural resources, construction, and mainte text
Margin of Error; Female: - Natural resources, construction, and text
Estimate; Female: - Production, transportation, and material mo text
Margin of Error; Female: - Production, transportation, and mate text


Kenttä Arvo
Data viimeksi päivitetty 18. heinäkuuta 2017
Metatieto viimeksi päivitetty 21. toukokuuta 2023
Luotu 13. heinäkuuta 2017
Muoto CSV
Lisenssi Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id378e4a6c-550c-4e9c-bfb5-ca73c1c29cc7
Revision id5827f6df-45d4-4961-8098-cfe7d68e8e8b
Url typeupload