
Sarake Tyyppi Otsikko Kuvaus
identifier text SCM ID

Internal identifier for the SCM

practice text SCM Type

Type of SCM

status text Status

Implemented SCMs are associated with permits that have been terminated by ACCD

municipali text Municipality

The municipality within which the SCM centroid exists

address text Address

SCM address, as indicated on the NOT form

plannedon text Approval Date

Date the SCM's permit was issued

plannedon_ text Approval Date Sort

Date column meant to be used to sort the "Approval Date" dates, displayed in YYYYMMDD format

implemen_1 numeric Implemented Date Sort

Date column meant to be used to sort the "Implemented Date" dates, displayed in YYYYMMDD format

Acres_Trea numeric Acres Treated

Total acres treated by the SCM or group of SCMs, as indicated on the NOT form

Is_RC text Rate Control?

Was the SCM or group of SCMs designed for Rate Control, as indicated on the NOT form

Is_VC text Volume Control?

Was the SCM or group of SCMs designed for Volume Control, as indicated on the NOT form

Is_WQ text Water Quality?

Was the SCM or group of SCMs designed to treat Water Quality, as indicated on the NOT form

Quantity numeric Quantity

Number of SCMs comprising the feature, as indicated on the NOT form. Multiple SCMs of the same type are reported as one feature on the NOT form, with cumulative metrics.

Implem_On text Implemented Date

Date the SCM's permit was terminated by ACCD

VolumeTrea numeric Volume Treated

The volume of stormwater (in cubic feet) that the SCM or group of SCMs is designed to remove during the 2-year storm event


Kenttä Arvo
Data viimeksi päivitetty 21. toukokuuta 2024
Metatieto viimeksi päivitetty 21. toukokuuta 2024
Luotu 25. tammikuuta 2024
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