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Avainsanat: facilities

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  • Capital Projects

    City of Pittsburgh

    City of Pittsburgh Capital Projects Budgets NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.
  • This dataset portrays cell tower locations as points in Allegheny County. The dataset is based on outbuilding codes in the Property Assessment Parcel Database used to identify cell towers for tax year 2016.
  • This dataset contains the locations of municipal facilities in Allegheny County.
  • A combination of all park features, events, recreations, facilities, all in one layer, including Activenet information.
  • City of Pittsburgh Facilities

    City of Pittsburgh

    City Facility data pulled from the Operations Management System for the Department of Public Works
  • This dataset contains photogrammetrically compiled roof outlines of buildings. All near orthogonal corners are square. Buildings that are less than 400 square feet are not captured. Special consideration is given to garages that are less than 400 square feet and will be digitized when greater than 200 square feet....
  • Allegheny County Block Areas

    Allegheny County

    This dataset overlays a grid on the County to assist in locating a parcel. The grid squares are 3,500 by 4,500 square feet. The data was derived from original MAPINDX: Map Index Sheets from Block and Lot Grid of Property Assessment and based on aerial photography. Tiles are numbered in a clockwise spiral fashion...
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