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  • Aggregated Parking Transactions

    Pittsburgh Parking Authority

    This dataset records Pittsburgh Parking Authority parking transactions for street parking and parking lots, aggregated in ten-minute bins by parking zone. Each row includes the start and end times of the ten-minute bin, the parking zone or lot, the number of transactions, and the payments made during that time span....
  • Ballfields PGH

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Ballfields
  • This parking-meters dataset used to mirror the dataset located at https://pghgishub-pittsburghpa.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/e9f766897c9148a4951696f27f13820a_0/explore but has been updated to mirror a more current dataset located at https://pghgishub-...
  • PPA Meter Areas
  • Pittsburgh CDBG Block Groups

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset now hosts multiple versions of the Pittsburgh Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Census Block Group areas, obtained from the Pittsburgh GIS portal: one from 2014 and one from 2018. The WPRDC also hosts a dataset containing CDBG Census Block Group tracts.
  • Pittsburgh CDBG Census Tracts

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset now hosts multiple versions of the Pittsburgh Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Census Tract areas, obtained from the Pittsburgh GIS portal: one from 2014 and one from 2018. The WPRDC also hosts a dataset containing CDBG Census Block Group areas.
  • Pittsburgh Watersheds

    City of Pittsburgh

    Watersheds for surface water streams and rivers within Pittsburgh boundaries. StreamStats was the original source, and the geometry was simplified afterwards.
  • City of Pittsburgh Emergency Medical Services Districts
  • 2014 FEMA Flood Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    This is an extract from the Official FEMA Data. For any questions about this data, go to https://www.fema.gov/faq-details/GIS-Data
  • Police Sectors

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Police Sectors
  • Police Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Police Zones
  • Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Administrative Divisions
  • Neighborhoods

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Neighborhoods
  • PGH Residential Permit Parking Program
  • 25% or Greater Slope

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh 25% Slope of Greater
  • Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Environmental Services Administrative Divisions
  • Undermined Areas

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Undermined Areas
  • 2018-to-2020 DPW Divisions

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Adminstrative Divisions
  • Fire Zones

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Fire Zones
  • City Council Districts

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset contains two versions of the map of Pittsburgh City Council Districts, the current one (dating from 2022) and an earlier one (dating from 2012), each in multiple formats. For older city council district maps going back to 2022, see https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/pittsburgh-city-council-district-map
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