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Muodot: CSV Avainsanat: address

Suodata tuloksia
  • This dataset contains street centerlines for vehicular and foot traffic in Allegheny County. Street Centerlines are classified as Primary Road, Secondary Road, Unpaved Road, Limited Access Road, Connecting Road, Jeep Trail, Walkway, Stairway, Alleyway and Unknown. A Primary Road is a street paved with either...
  • This dataset shows the Address Points in Allegheny County. The Address Points were created by GDR for the Allegheny County CAD project, October 2008. Data is updated by County staff as changes and corrections are found, on a continuous basis. Updates are sent to PASDA monthly. The most authoritative source for this...
  • This dataset shows the address points in Allegheny County. Usage The value in the ADDRESS_ID field lets you look up more information about the landmark locations in the Addressing Address Points dataset (https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-addressing-address-points2), including the geocoordinates (though...
  • Municipal Building Energy Usage

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data set contains energy use data from 2009-2014 for 139 municipally operated buildings. Metrics include: Site & Source EUI, annual electricity, natural gas and district steam consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and energy cost. Weather-normalized data enable building performance comparisons over time,...
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