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Organisaatiot: University of Pittsburgh

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  • Report and data used to create neighborhood profiles in the report: Comparison of 2008-2012 and 2018-2022 American Community Survey estimates for the City of Pittsburgh and neighborhoods, University Center for Social and Urban Research (UCSUR), June 2024
  • This compilation includes 8 historical datasets, part of the collection of the Pittsburgh University Library System. Prepared by the Health and Welfare Planning Association, and funded by the Richard King Melon Foundation, the profiles were intended to inform the people, organizations and businesses of Allegheny...
  • Pittsburgh Neighborhood Atlas, 1977

    University of Pittsburgh

    This compilation includes five historical datasets that are part of the University of Pittsburgh Library collection. The datasets were transcribed from The Pittsburgh Neighborhood Atlas, published in 1977. The atlas was prepared by the Pittsburgh Neighborhood Alliance. The information provides an insight into the...
  • This dataset captures data maintained by the Record Research Request Service (R3) at the University of Pittsburgh. R3 is a service of the Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI), provisioning UPMC clinical data and authorizing additional UPMC data sources for research. Data captures emergency department (ED)...
  • For more than three decades UCSUR has documented the status of older adults in the County along multiple life domains. Every decade we issue a comprehensive report on aging in Allegheny County and this report represents our most recent effort. It documents important shifts in the demographic profile of the...
  • These data include four historical datasets that were transcribed from the Community Profiles of Pittsburgh reports, which were published in 1974. The Community Profiles were prepared for 71 Pittsburgh neighborhoods by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of City Planning and include demographic information, housing,...
  • This data was prepared by Rosalie Garfinkle as a course project for LIS 2970 Open Government Data in the Master of Library Program at the University of Pittsburgh. These six historical datasets are transcribed from the annual reports done by the Division of Tenement House Inspection for the Bureau/Department of...
  • This data set was prepared by Adrianna Taraboletti, a student enrolled in the University of Pittsburgh’s Masters in Library and Information Science program. These datasets are taken from the annual reports for the Kingsley Association from 1920 to 1926. The Kingsley House was part of the greater Kingsley...
  • Parcel scale green infrastructure siting and cost effectiveness analysis. You can find more details at the project's website.
  • The Allegheny County 2000-2010 Census Tract Relationship File shows how 2010 Census tracts in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania relate to the 2000 Census tracts. Each record (row) consists of one unique relationship between a 2000 Census tract/2010 Census tract spatial set where a spatial set is the unique area shared...
  • Chris Briem of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research has been producing extracts from the Census Bureau's PL 94-171 redistricting file. On August 12th, the U.S. Census Bureau released the first detailed data from the 2020 Decennial Census of Population and Housing. Before this, the only...
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