Allegheny County Housing and Community Environment Inspections
Allegheny County
Residential Complaint Housing and Community Environment Inspection Reports posted to this web site include owner and tenant occupied dwellings with or without health code violations. The reports are based on visual inspection by Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) inspectors. The primary basis for the... -
Allegheny County Toxics Release Inventory
Allegheny County
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data provides information about toxic substances released into the environment or managed through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment in the United States. Annual releases are compiled and reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and shared on the TRI... -
Landslides Pomeroy Study
Allegheny County
This dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County's GIS data portal. For more information about landslides in Allegheny County, visit the Allegheny County Landslide Portal. -
Allegheny County Air Quality Emissions Inventory
Allegheny County
An inventory of emissions including greenhouse gases, criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants and sulfur compounds emitted by facilities monitored by the Allegheny County Health Department. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative. -
Snow Plow Activity (2018-2020)
City of Pittsburgh
Snow Plow GPS readings during declared City of Pittsburgh Snow Events. Includes readings on plow (up or down) and salt spreader speed. Please note: The system tracking snow plows was not fully deployed for the 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 seasons. Therefore readings from these events may not include all the vehicles or... -
Allegheny County Traffic Counts
Allegheny County
Traffic sensors at over 1,200 locations in Allegheny County collect vehicle counts for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Data included in the Health Department's DASH project includes hourly averages and average daily counts. The data was collected from years 2012-2014 and compiled by Carnegie Mellon... -
Allegheny County Elevated Blood Lead Level Rates
Allegheny County
Lead is a neurotoxin commonly found in our daily lives. While lead has been eliminated from gasoline, household paint, and solder, you can still be exposed to lead from many different sources including dust containing lead from pre-1978 lead paint, paint chips, contaminated soils, water, ceramic plates, bowls, and... -
Allegheny County Particulate Matter 2.5
Allegheny County
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides information on the particulate matter concentration for Allegheny County that have a diameter greater or equal to 2.5 mm. The data is based on a combination of 2012 model and monitor data reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Air and... -
Allegheny County Illegal Dump Sites
Allegheny County
The Illegal Dump Site dataset includes information on illegal dump sites, their type of trash, and the estimate tons of trash at each site. The information was provided by Allegheny Cleanways, and collected as part of a 2005 survey in Allegheny County. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon... -
Green Infrastructure Siting and Cost Effectiveness Analysis
University of Pittsburgh
Parcel scale green infrastructure siting and cost effectiveness analysis. You can find more details at the project's website.
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