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Ryhmät: Energy

Suodata tuloksia
  • This dataset contains energy and water use information from 2010 up through 90 days prior the last refresh date for County-operated buildings. Metrics include: kBtu (thousand British thermal units), site and source EUI (energy use intensity), annual electricity, natural gas and steam consumption and cost, and water...
  • This dataset shows the point locations of dams in Allegheny County. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal (http://openac.alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/)....
  • Municipal Building Energy Usage

    City of Pittsburgh

    This data set contains energy use data from 2009-2014 for 139 municipally operated buildings. Metrics include: Site & Source EUI, annual electricity, natural gas and district steam consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and energy cost. Weather-normalized data enable building performance comparisons over time,...
  • Smart Streetlight RFI Responses

    City of Pittsburgh

    Overview This guide to the City of Pittsburgh Smart Streetlight Request for Information (RFI) was created to provide clarity and transparency to the ongoing Smart Streetlight project in the City of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh has approximately 40,000 City-owned and operated streetlights, the vast majority of which are...
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