City Designated Individual Historic Sites
City of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh City Historic District Individual Properties -
City Designated Historic Districts
City of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh City Designated Historic Districts -
Allegheny County Property Sale Transactions
Allegheny County
This dataset contains data on all Real Property parcels that have sold since 2013 in Allegheny County, PA. Before doing any market analysis on property sales, check the sales validation codes. Many property "sales" are not considered a valid representation of the true market value of the property. For example, when... -
Condemned and Dead-End Properties
City of Pittsburgh
This dataset contains condemned properties in the City of Pittsburgh and is maintained by the Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections (PLI). Some of the properties are labelled as "dead-end", which means that they are condemned properties for which PLI cannot locate the owner. Properties are classified as... -
City-Owned Properties
City of Pittsburgh
Overview These data contain city-owned properties from the eProperties Plus database. The data describe basic aspects of the property (square footage, location, identification, etc.) and its geographically based assignment of various components of city infrastructure (police zone, council district, etc.). Motivation... -
Allegheny County Housing and Community Environment Inspections
Allegheny County
Residential Complaint Housing and Community Environment Inspection Reports posted to this web site include owner and tenant occupied dwellings with or without health code violations. The reports are based on visual inspection by Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) inspectors. The primary basis for the... -
Allegheny County Filed Property Assessment Appeals
Allegheny County
Appeals filed to the Board of Property Assessment Appeals and Review (BPAAR) for the purpose of assessed value review. Note: Assessment Appeals heard at the Board of Viewers are NOT included. See Data Notes and the Data Dictionary for further details. -
Allegheny County Mortgage Foreclosure Records
Allegheny County
This data includes filings related to mortgage foreclosure in Allegheny County. The foreclosure process enables a lender to take possession of a property due to an owner's failure to make mortgage payments. Mortgage foreclosure differs from tax foreclosure, which is a process enabling local governments to take... -
Allegheny County Conservatorship Filings
Allegheny County
This data includes filings related to conservatorship petitions in Allegheny County. The conservatorship process, defined by PA’s 2008 Act 135, seeks to provide “a mechanism to transform abandoned and blighted buildings into productive reuse”, ideally creating “an opportunity for communities to modernize, revitalize... -
Tax liens are a method the government uses to secure an interest in unpaid tax debt. This dataset represents information about county, municipal, school district, and water/sewer tax liens by parcel (and property identification number, where available). This dataset includes the name of the municipality, county or...
Allegheny County Property Assessments
Allegheny County
Real Property parcel characteristics for Allegheny County, PA. Includes information pertaining to land, values, sales, abatements, and building characteristics (if residential) by parcel. Disclaimer: Parcel information is provided from the Office of Property Assessments in Allegheny County. Content and availability... -
City of Pittsburgh Property Tax Delinquency
City of Pittsburgh
This dataset contains all property in the City of Pittsburgh that is delinquent on property taxes for the given year. -
Allegheny County Finished Property Assessment Appeals
Allegheny County
Lists property assessment appeals filed and heard with the Board of Property Assessment Appeals and Review (BPAAR) and the hearing results, for tax years 2015 to 2025. Note: Assessment Appeals heard at the Board of Viewers are NOT included. See Data Notes and the Data Dictionary for further details. -
Allegheny County Parcel Boundaries
Allegheny County
This dataset contains boundaries of individual parcels in Allegheny County, including the county block and lot number. As this is a very large dataset, you may wish to use our property information extractor (http://tools.wprdc.org/parcels-n-at/) to download filtered versions of this parcel dataset. The most... -
Allegheny County Plumbing Inspections & Violations
Allegheny County
Inspections of Plumbing Project Plans by the Department of Health. This applies to any plumbing that is installed or altered. It includes replacement cards for the installation of water heaters and dishwasher transmittal sheets. Approximately 14,000 plans are filed, reviewed, and have permits issued by the Health... -
City of Pittsburgh Property Tax Abatements
City of Pittsburgh
The properties listed are receiving a property tax abatement issued by the City of Pittsburgh. -
City-Owned Property (Real Estate Tax Database)
City of Pittsburgh
This dataset contains a listing of property owned by the City of Pittsburgh obtained from the City's Real Estate Database. For a more complete listing of City-owned properties obtained from the City's eProperties Plus database, please visit this WPRDC dataset: City-Owned Properties Dataset CHANGELOG 2023-09-22: This... -
City Treasury Sales
City of Pittsburgh
A listing of all the properties currently available for sale at the City's Treasurer Sale. CHANGELOG 2023-09-21: This dataset's feed was restored, with significant changes to the published fields. One example is that more kinds of tax due are now published and a total_tax_due field was added. -
Allegheny County Cemetery Outlines
Allegheny County
Outlines of public and private cemeteries greater than one acre in size. Areas were delineated following a generalized line along the outside edge of the area. Individual features within the cemetery are not shown. This dataset was previously obtained and regularly updated from the Allegheny County's GIS server. It... -
City of Pittsburgh Permit Summary (archive)
City of Pittsburgh
This is now a historical archive. For current PLI permits, and permits dating back to 2019-06-01, see the new PLI Permits dataset. Summary of building permits Issued by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Permits Licenses and Inspections (PLI).