2019-06 Events Archive https://data.wprdc.org/en/datastore/odata3.0/07bdbe68-a069-4ecf-a88a-4244da835170 2019-06-10T05:00:18.246166Z https://data.wprdc.org/en/datastore/odata3.0//07bdbe68-a069-4ecf-a88a-4244da835170(2) ckan 2019-06-10T05:00:18.246166Z ckan 2 201906 Wellspring Open Studio recurring Wellspring Drop-in Center Uptown 903 Watson St, PA, 15219 40.438492 -79.991555 Pittsburgh Mercy Health System activities all none 412-263-2545 Wellspring Drop-In Center operates an Open Studio art program. Walk-ins welcome. Wed: 1:30pm - 3:30pm; Fri: 10am - 4pm https://data.wprdc.org/en/datastore/odata3.0//07bdbe68-a069-4ecf-a88a-4244da835170(3) ckan 2019-06-10T05:00:18.246166Z ckan 3 201906 KidsVoice Legal Q&A recurring 412 Youth Zone Downtown 304 Wood St, 6th Floor, PA, 15219 40.438983 -80.001358 Auberle finances individuals age 24 and younger who have former or current involvement in the Allegheny County Juvenile Dependency System. individuals eligible to receive services at the 412 Youth Zone 412-902-4068 At the 412 Youth Zone, KidsVoice can provide resources, information and referrals for individuals who need legal assistance. KidsVoice also has the ability to provide limited representation for their former clients, up to age 25, for a variety of legal matters, including expungements, summary offenses, name changes, public benefit assistance, SSI applications and SSI appeals. Thu: 12:30pm https://data.wprdc.org/en/datastore/odata3.0//07bdbe68-a069-4ecf-a88a-4244da835170(4) ckan 2019-06-10T05:00:18.246166Z ckan 4 201906 Art Expressions recurring 412 Youth Zone Downtown 304 Wood St, 6th Floor, PA, 15219 40.438983 -80.001358 Auberle activities all youth engaged with the 412 Youth Zone ages 16 - 24 412-902-4068 Art program at the Youth Zone, no prior experience needed, walk-ins welcome. Fri, 5/17: 2pm https://data.wprdc.org/en/datastore/odata3.0//07bdbe68-a069-4ecf-a88a-4244da835170(5) ckan 2019-06-10T05:00:18.246166Z ckan 5 201906 Cooking Workshop recurring 412 Youth Zone Downtown 304 Wood St, 6th Floor, PA, 15219 40.438983 -80.001358 Auberle expert-lookup all youth engaged with the 412 youth zone ages 16 - 24 412-902-4068 Learn how to shop for cooking purposes and then prepare healthy and delicious foods Wed 5/9: 1pm https://data.wprdc.org/en/datastore/odata3.0//07bdbe68-a069-4ecf-a88a-4244da835170(6) ckan 2019-06-10T05:00:18.246166Z ckan 6 201906 Lab Ratz Science Workshop recurring 412 Youth Zone Downtown 304 Wood St, 6th Floor, PA, 15219 40.438983 -80.001358 Auberle activities all youth engaged with the 412 Youth Zone ages 16 - 23 412-902-4068 Gain a perspective of science that promotes curiosity, problem-solving, and discovery. Fri, 5/10: 2pm; Thu, 5/16: 2pm; Wed, 5/22: 2pm; Mon, 5/28: 2pm