Street Closures
Below are two tabs. The first displays a data table of all street closures. The second displays a data table filtered to show only active street closures (based on the value of the active
field). This will be as current as the underlying data, which should update every hour.
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
closure_id | text | Street closure ID | This is a unique identifier for each street closure. Each street closure is associated with a permit. |
permit_id | text | Permit ID | This is a unique identifier for each permit. Permits may appear in the table multiple times since this table breaks permits down into the associated street closures. |
permit_type | text | Permit type | The nature of the permit. These values are just a few words and are selected from a list of options. |
work_description | text | Work description | Unstructured text field with a detailed description of the work. |
work_type | text | Work type | A basic description of the work necessitating the permit. These values are just a few words and are selected from a list of options. |
applicant_name | text | Applicant | The individual applying for the permit. This may be someone who is independent of an organization or a representative of the organization. In some cases, the organization itself is listed here as well. (This field contains several representations of who applied for the permit. Care should be taken when interpreting this information.) |
contractor_name | text | Contractor | The business/entity performing the work on the permits (e.g., "People's Gas" or "John Doe's Construction"). |
special_instructions | text | Special instructions | Unstructured text field with unique information about the work to be performed. This field often has empty values. |
weekday_hours | text | Weekday hours | Weekday hours that a street closure will be in effect. |
weekend_hours | text | Weekend hours | Weekend hours that a street closure will be in effect. (Weekend and weekday operations often take place at different hours of the day.) |
from_date | date | From date | Start date of the street closure. |
to_date | date | To date | End date of the street closure. |
active | bool | Is active | A boolean indicating whether the street closure is currently active (as of the last data update). |
primary_street | text | Primary street | The street that is closed. |
from_street | text | From street | The first of two streets that serve as the terminus of the street closure. |
to_street | text | To street | The other street that serve as the terminus of the street closure. |
full_closure | bool | Full closure | Details if the full street is closed or if some traffic is allowed in a subset of travel lanes. |
travel_lane | bool | Is travel lane | Details if the street closure impacts a travel lane. |
parking_lane | bool | Is parking lane | Details if the street closure impacts a parking lane. Both parking and travel lanes may be impacted by street closures. |
metered_parking | bool | Is metered parking | Details if the closure impacts parking associated with meters. |
sidewalk | bool | Is sidewalk | Details if the closure impacts parking associated with sidewalks. |
segment_num | int4 | Segment number | Indicator of which street segment a record represents WITHIN ALL street segments contained in a permit. See dataset description for more information. |
total_segments | int4 | Total segments | The total number of segments that are contained within a street closure permit. Used in conjuction with segment_num, as an example, one can surmise that a given record is (for example) "segment number 3 out of 7" for a given permit. This field can be used in isolation to determine how many times a street closure is divided into component segments. |
roadway_id | text | Roadway ID | A GIS line segment representing a section of roadway. This value is useful for mapping street closures. |
geometry | text | Geometry | Lat/Long for vertices of a roadway line segment. These values represent a single segment of roadway (see general notes). The first and last coordinates are the endpoints of the segment. If there are additional coordinate pairs, which is usually the case, they represent vertices where two lines meet. This can be interpreted as a change in the trajectory of the roadway segment. |
wkt | text | Geometry in Well-Known Text | This is a different standardized format for the geometry field (representing the line section of roadway labelled by the cartegraph_id field). |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | March 12, 2025 |
Metadata last updated | March 12, 2025 |
Created | May 25, 2023 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution |
Dataspatial active | True |
Dataspatial last geom updated | 1 year ago |
Dataspatial status | active |
Dataspatial wkt field | wkt |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Id | a9a1d93a-9d3b-4c18-bd80-82ed6f86404a |
Package id | 9be8e626-504e-44b8-a28a-ed52e8d70e3a |
Position | 0 |
State | active |
Url type | datapusher |