138 Datensätze gefunden

Organisationen: Allegheny County

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  • This dataset contains locations of major rivers that flow through Allegheny County. These shapes have been taken from the Hydrology dataset. The Ohio River, Monongahela River and Allegheny River are coded as Major Rivers.
  • This dataset demarcates stands of trees (coniferous and deciduous) too numerous to plot as individual trees. The area is delineated following a generalized line along the outside edge of tree trunks. Areas are captured if at least one acre in size or of major significance especially in urban areas.
  • This basins dataset was created to initiate regional watershed approaches with respect to sewer rehabilitation.
  • Allegheny County Boundary

    Allegheny County

    This dataset contains the Allegheny County boundary.
  • This dataset portrays cell tower locations as points in Allegheny County. The dataset is based on outbuilding codes in the Property Assessment Parcel Database used to identify cell towers for tax year 2016.
  • This dataset shows the magisterial districts in Allegheny County. This dataset is harvested on a periodic basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal (https://openac.alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/). The full metadata record for this dataset can also be found on Allegheny County’s GIS portal. You can access the...
  • This dataset shows the bridges owned by Allegheny County. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal (http://openac.alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/). The full...
  • This dataset contains the locations of municipal facilities in Allegheny County.
  • This dataset demarcates the 52 isolated sub-Watersheds of Allegheny County that drain to single point on the main stem rivers. Created by 3 Rivers 2nd Nature based upon Allegheny County watershed file showing all tributaries of all streams. All tributaries draining to a single point on the river were joined as a...
  • Shows the location of all blazed and unblazed trails in all Allegheny County parks. This is the same data used in the Allegheny County Parks Trails Mobile App, available for Apple and Android devices. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal...
  • This dataset contains the locations of Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program vendors. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.
  • These geocoded locations are based on the Allegheny County extract of Educational Names & Addresses (EdNA) via Pennsylvania Department of Education website as of April 19, 2018. Several addresses were not able to be geocoded (ex. If PO Box addresses were provided, they were not geocoded.)If viewing this...
  • This dataset demarcates municipal voting districts in Allegheny County. These were updated in 2019 to match municipal boundaries. To inquire about obtaining historical versions of this dataset, please contact Mark VanderVen (Mark.VanderVen@AlleghenyCounty.US).
  • This dataset contains locations of the polling places in Allegheny County. To inquire about obtaining historical versions of this dataset, please contact the data steward (Mark.VanderVen@AlleghenyCounty.US).
  • This dataset demarcates the school district boundaries within Allegheny County If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal...
  • Shows the size and shape of the nine Allegheny County parks. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal (http://openac.alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/). The...
  • The Land Cover dataset demarcates 14 land cover types by area; such as Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Forest, Agriculture, etc. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny...
  • If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal (http://www.wprdc.org), this dataset is harvested on a weekly basis from Allegheny County’s GIS data portal (http://openac.alcogis.opendata.arcgis.com/). The full metadata record for this dataset can also be found on...
  • Authoritative dataset of the beltway system in Allegheny County. The system was developed to help motorists navigate through Allegheny County on low-traffic roads. The belts are arranged in concentric circles and color-coded red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. If viewing this description on the Western...
  • This dataset shows the locations of farmers markets in Allegheny County. The full metadata record for this dataset can also be found on Allegheny County’s GIS portal. You can access the metadata record and other resources on the GIS portal by clicking on the “Explore” button (and choosing the “Go to resource”...