
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
id text Meter ID

Human-readable ID of the meter/payment point (e.g., 427005-BVILLE0502)

location text Location

Description of the meter's location (e.g., BROWNSVILLE RD)

location_type text Location type

The location type; possible values are 1) On street, 2) Lot, 3) Off Street, 4) Virtual Zone, 5) Virtual Lot, and 6) none of the above

latitude text Latitude

Latitude for the meter's location

longitude text Longitude

Longitude for the meter's location

status text Status

Description of the meter's status; possible values are 1) Active, 2) Marked for delete, 3) Inactive, 4) Removed, and 5) None (such as for mobile/virtual payment points)

zone text Zone

Identifier for the chief reporting zone that the meter is in

all_groups text All groups

A complete list of all zones/groups the meter is in, separated by the "|" symbol

guid text Meter GUID

Globally unique identifier for the payment point. If the meter is physically moved to another location, it's human readable ID (meter_id) will change, but its GUID will stay the same.

in_service_utc timestamp In-service datetime

Datetime when the meter was first available for use

rate text Rate

The cost per hour to park at the meter

max_hours text Maximum hours

Describes the limitations on the maximum amount of time one can pay to park at this location

hours text Hours

The hours/days when parking must be paid for at this location

restrictions text Restrictions

The hours/days when parking is not allowed at this location

special_events text Special-events restrictions

Describes when parking is not allowed for cases when special events happen near the metered location (such as Pirates baseball games or events at PPG Paints Arena). Special signage at the payment point clarifies when parking is not allowed.

rate_as_of date Rate as of

The date when the rate and other fields (rate, max_hours, hours, restrictions, special_events) were last updated for this data table.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 18. März 2019
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 12. Februar 2019
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id1d38b5ef-fa53-4c15-9a50-905d4d573292
Revision id8a08aabe-6e3c-4989-9417-4f45a972e1bc
Url typedatapusher