
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
zone text Zone

Reporting-zone identifier

start timestamp Bin start

Start of the aggregation bin for parking transactions, in Pittsburgh local time

end timestamp Bin end

End of the aggregation bin for parking transactions, in Pittsburgh local time

utc_start timestamp UTC bin start

Start of the aggregation bin for parking transactions, in UTC time

meter_transactions int4 Meter-transaction count

The number of all meter-transaction payments in this ten-minute bin

meter_payments float8 Meter-payments total

The sum of all meter-transaction payments in this ten-minute bin, in dollars

mobile_transactions int4 Mobile-transaction count

The number of all mobile-transaction payments in this ten-minute bin

mobile_payments float8 Mobile-payments total

The sum of all mobile-transaction payments in this ten-minute bin, in dollars

parent_zone text Parent zone

The zone ID for the reporting zone that contains this sampling zone. In cases where the sampling zone is spread over multiple parent zones, this will be a list of zone identifiers separated by the "|" symbol.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 3. März 2025
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 3. März 2025
Erstellt 23. Januar 2019
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idac32c80c-de99-4444-a9a8-48c0515ac7bb
Revision id9c256b28-4ae5-4bef-a04f-a17088c79f2a
Url typedatapusher