
Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
FIRST_NAME text First Name

Employee first name

LAST_NAME text Last Name

Employee last name

DEPARTMENT text Department

County Department of Employee

JOB_TITLE text Job Title

Employee job title

ELECTED_OFFICIAL numeric Elected Official

Whether or not employee is an elected official, 0=No; 1=Yes

DATE_STARTED timestamp Date Started

Date started

SEX text Sex

Sex of employee, M=Male; F=Female

ETHNICITY text Ethnicity

Ethnicity of employee

ORIG_START timestamp Original Start Date

Original start date of County employment

DATE_TERM timestamp Date Terminated

Date employment was terminated

PAY_STATUS text Pay Status

Payroll Status (Active or Terminated)

ANNUAL_SALARY numeric Annual Salary

Annual salary as of the employee's last pay check date for the year and are normalized to a 52 weeks of 40 hours for hourly positions.

REGULAR_PAY numeric Regular Pay

Regular pay (not including overtime or incentive pay)

OVERTIME_PAY numeric Overtime Pay

Overtime pay for the year

INCENTIVE_PAY numeric Incentive Pay

Payments to employees for Certification , Contract, Longevity, Wellness and Weekend incentives.

GROSS_PAY numeric Gross Pay

Gross total of Regular, Overtime and Incentive Pay

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 28. März 2022
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 21. Mai 2023
Erstellt 7. August 2020
Format CSV
Lizenz Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id16e59d06-1233-4acc-924c-4651f24987ee
Revision id94caa128-5f0d-41a5-9af2-4331cdf8aecc
Size960,4 KiB
Url typeupload