6 Datensätze gefunden

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  • Facilities located within Allegheny County that produce, distribute and sell food products are subject to mandatory, routine inspection by one of the health department's staff of environmental health specialists. This dataset contains the violation data from the searchable inspection reports posted online here:...
  • Pittsburgh Fish Fry Locations

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Lenten Fish Fry records for the Greater Pittsburgh region. Data is collected before and during the Lenten fish fry season each year by Code for Pittsburgh. Data is sourced from news outlets, social media, and public requests.
  • This dataset contains the locations of Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program vendors. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.
  • This dataset shows the locations of farmers markets in Allegheny County. The full metadata record for this dataset can also be found on Allegheny County’s GIS portal. You can access the metadata record and other resources on the GIS portal by clicking on the “Explore” button (and choosing the “Go to resource”...
  • A link to a search engine for kitchens, restaurants, and other food facilities from the Allegheny County Health Department. Also see https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-restaurant-food-facility-inspection-violations/resource/112a3821-334d-4f3f-ab40-4de1220b1a0a for a listing of Allegheny County Food...
  • COVID-19 Resources

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    As the situation is changing quickly, we're just listing here some links to local and statewide information pertaining to the COVID-19 epidemic. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.
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