5 Datensätze gefunden

Formate: GeoJSON Tags: parks

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  • Shows the location of all blazed and unblazed trails in all Allegheny County parks. This is the same data used in the Allegheny County Parks Trails Mobile App, available for Apple and Android devices. If viewing this description on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center’s open data portal...
  • A combination of all park features, events, recreations, facilities, all in one layer, including Activenet information.
  • City of Pittsburgh Parks

    City of Pittsburgh

    City of Pittsburgh Parks Use this WPRDC Parks dataset instead. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 because of a broken data feed. Also, some of the points in this GeoJSON file appear to be out of order (for instance, see Schenley Park). We're working to fix this feed. This parks dataset, also...
  • City of Pittsburgh Facilities

    City of Pittsburgh

    City Facility data pulled from the Operations Management System for the Department of Public Works
  • Playground Equipment

    City of Pittsburgh

    A listing of all playground equipment maintained by the city, including a description, the manufacturer, included safety surface and whether or not it is ADA accessible. NOTE: The data in this dataset has not updated since 2021 because of a broken data feed. We're working to fix it.
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