195 Datensätze gefunden

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  • Planning Sectors

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh City Planning Planning Sectors
  • Uptown IPOD Zoning

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Uptown IPOD Overlay Zoning District. This dataset was previously obtained and regularly updated from the City of Pittsburgh's GIS server. It is no longer a listed dataset, so we have stopped updating it.
  • Pre 2018 DPW Divisions

    City of Pittsburgh

    City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works Divsions pre-2018. This data has Division 4 in it. In the most current DPW Division layer, Division 4 has been removed and its area split between Divisions 3 and 5.  
  • Information on social services in the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County for individuals experiencing homeless and for those in dire need, including crisis lines, activities and events, medical, housing, and food help. All listings have been independently verified and all listings are for free services, with...
  • These data include four historical datasets that were transcribed from the Community Profiles of Pittsburgh reports, which were published in 1974. The Community Profiles were prepared for 71 Pittsburgh neighborhoods by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of City Planning and include demographic information, housing,...
  • Fire Districts

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Fire Districts
  • In Pittsburgh, Autonomous Vehicle (AV) companies have been testing autonomous vehicles since September 2016. However, the tech is new, and there have been some high-profile behavior that we believe warrants a larger conversation. So in early 2017, we set out to design a survey to see both how BikePGH donor-members,...
  • Allegheny County Block Areas

    Allegheny County

    This dataset overlays a grid on the County to assist in locating a parcel. The grid squares are 3,500 by 4,500 square feet. The data was derived from original MAPINDX: Map Index Sheets from Block and Lot Grid of Property Assessment and based on aerial photography. Tiles are numbered in a clockwise spiral fashion...
  • These Census Tract-level datasets described here provide de-identified diagnosis data for customers of three managed care organizations in Allegheny County (Gateway Health Plan, Highmark Health, and UPMC) that have filed a claim for anxiety medications in 2015 and 2016. The data also includes the number of enrolled...
  • Pittsburgh North Side Commercial Parking Overlay
  • Pittsburgh Bridges

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Bridges
  • Pittsburgh Parking Metered Streets
  • Allegheny County Crash Data

    Allegheny County

    Contains locations and information about every crash incident reported to the police in Allegheny County from 2004 to 2022. Fields include injury severity, fatalities, information about the vehicles involved, location information, and factors that may have contributed to the crash. Data is provided by PennDOT and is...
  • Traffic sensors at over 1,200 locations in Allegheny County collect vehicle counts for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Data included in the Health Department's DASH project includes hourly averages and average daily counts. The data was collected from years 2012-2014 and compiled by Carnegie Mellon...
  • Allegheny County Greenways

    Allegheny County

    Greenways data was compiled by the Allegheny Land Trust as a planning effort in the development of Allegheny Places, the Allegheny County Comprehensive Plan. The plan was published in 2008. Support for Health Equity datasets and tools provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through their Health Equity Initiative.
  • 2010 Census Block Groups

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh 2010 Census Blockgroups
  • 2010 Census Tracts

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh 2010 Census Tracts
  • Riverfront Zoning Overlay

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Riverfront Zoning Overlay District
  • Data from the Pittsburgh Open Space Plan - Transition Map
  • A link to a search engine for kitchens, restaurants, and other food facilities from the Allegheny County Health Department. Also see https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-restaurant-food-facility-inspection-violations/resource/112a3821-334d-4f3f-ab40-4de1220b1a0a for a listing of Allegheny County Food...
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