195 Datensätze gefunden

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  • Overview This dataset contains all DOMI Street Closure Permit data in the Computronix (CX) system from the date of its adoption (in May 2020) until the present. The data in each record can be used to determine when street closures are occurring, who is requesting these closures, why the closure is being requested,...
  • Aggregated Parking Transactions

    Pittsburgh Parking Authority

    This dataset records Pittsburgh Parking Authority parking transactions for street parking and parking lots, aggregated in ten-minute bins by parking zone. Each row includes the start and end times of the ten-minute bin, the parking zone or lot, the number of transactions, and the payments made during that time span....
  • Allegheny County Air Quality

    Allegheny County

    Air quality data is collected from the Allegheny County Health Department monitors throughout the county. This data must be verified by qualified individuals before it can be considered official. The following data is unverified. This means that any electrical disruption or equipment malfunction can report erroneous...
  • A daily census of the inmates at the Allegheny County Jail (ACJ). Includes gender, race, age at booking, and current age. The records for each month contain a census for every day, therefore many inmates records are repeated each day. Another representation of this data is the County's jail population management...
  • Facilities located within Allegheny County that produce, distribute and sell food products are subject to mandatory, routine inspection by one of the health department's staff of environmental health specialists. This dataset contains the violation data from the searchable inspection reports posted online here:...
  • This dataset originally housed Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections violations (2015-2020), and has now been expanded to include violations logged by other units (including DOMI) from 2020-06-01 until the present. These data are used to manage and track all updates to casefiles by city employees and can...
  • 311 Data

    City of Pittsburgh

    NOTE: THIS DATA STOPPED UPDATING AS OF TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4, 2025 The City of Pittsburgh has transitioned to a new 311 system. We will be working on a new data connection to the Regional Data Center in the near future. This data set shows 311 service requests in the City of Pittsburgh. This data is collected from the...
  • Pittsburgh Fish Fry Locations

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Lenten Fish Fry records for the Greater Pittsburgh region. Data is collected before and during the Lenten fish fry season each year by Code for Pittsburgh. Data is sourced from news outlets, social media, and public requests.
  • This dataset contains data on all Real Property parcels that have sold since 2013 in Allegheny County, PA. Before doing any market analysis on property sales, check the sales validation codes. Many property "sales" are not considered a valid representation of the true market value of the property. For example, when...
  • Fatal accidental overdose incidents in Allegheny County, denoting age, gender, race, drugs present, zip code of incident and zip code of residence. Zip code of incident is where the Office of the Medical Examiner received the body, not necessarily where the overdose occurred. Data includes closed cases only and the...
  • This dataset includes information from inspection reports of permitted swimming pools, recirculating spray pads, and hot tubs/spas in Allegheny County. In conjunction with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), and under the framework of their SAFE Aquatic Data Standard, a selection of fields was...
  • A list of dog license dates, dog breeds, and dog name by zip code. Currently this dataset does not include City of Pittsburgh dogs.
  • Tax liens are a method the government uses to secure an interest in unpaid tax debt. This dataset represents information about county, municipal, school district, and water/sewer tax liens by parcel (and property identification number, where available). This dataset includes the name of the municipality, county or...
  • Real Property parcel characteristics for Allegheny County, PA. Includes information pertaining to land, values, sales, abatements, and building characteristics (if residential) by parcel. Disclaimer: Parcel information is provided from the Office of Property Assessments in Allegheny County. Content and availability...
  • Parcel Centroids in Allegheny County with Geographic Identifiers

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    Parcel centroids in Allegheny County. Centroids created by the Western PA Regional Data Center using County parcel shapes found on PASDA or WPRDC. Centroids have been drawn within the parcel boundary in most cases. The Data Center also appended a number of geographic codes to the data, including 2010 Census Blocks,...
  • Ballfields PGH

    City of Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Ballfields
  • This parking-meters dataset used to mirror the dataset located at https://pghgishub-pittsburghpa.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/e9f766897c9148a4951696f27f13820a_0/explore but has been updated to mirror a more current dataset located at https://pghgishub-...
  • PPA Meter Areas
  • Pittsburgh CDBG Block Groups

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset now hosts multiple versions of the Pittsburgh Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Census Block Group areas, obtained from the Pittsburgh GIS portal: one from 2014 and one from 2018. The WPRDC also hosts a dataset containing CDBG Census Block Group tracts.
  • Pittsburgh CDBG Census Tracts

    City of Pittsburgh

    This dataset now hosts multiple versions of the Pittsburgh Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Census Tract areas, obtained from the Pittsburgh GIS portal: one from 2014 and one from 2018. The WPRDC also hosts a dataset containing CDBG Census Block Group areas.
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