7 Datensätze gefunden

Lizenzen: Creative Commons CCZero Formate: CSV Tags: housing

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  • Allegheny County Assets

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    This dataset contains lists of various kinds of assets (open prior to or as of March 1, 2020), derived from a variety of local, state, and federal data sources. Some of this data still needs to be verified, as this is a work in progress. Some geocoding is either missing or incorrect. Improvements are pending. This...
  • Residential Complaint Housing and Community Environment Inspection Reports posted to this web site include owner and tenant occupied dwellings with or without health code violations. The reports are based on visual inspection by Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) inspectors. The primary basis for the...
  • This data includes filings related to mortgage foreclosure in Allegheny County. The foreclosure process enables a lender to take possession of a property due to an owner's failure to make mortgage payments. Mortgage foreclosure differs from tax foreclosure, which is a process enabling local governments to take...
  • This dataset contains data on all Real Property parcels that have sold since 2013 in Allegheny County, PA. Before doing any market analysis on property sales, check the sales validation codes. Many property "sales" are not considered a valid representation of the true market value of the property. For example, when...
  • Lists property assessment appeals filed and heard with the Board of Property Assessment Appeals and Review (BPAAR) and the hearing results, for tax years 2015 to 2024. Note: Assessment Appeals heard at the Board of Viewers are NOT included. See Data Notes and the Data Dictionary for further details.
  • Older housing can impact the quality of the occupant's health in a number of ways, including lead exposure, housing quality, and factors that may exacerbate respiratory conditions, like asthma. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau contains Census Tract estimates of housing age, and Allegheny County assessment data...
  • In 2017, the County Department of Economic Development, in conjunction with Reinvestment Fund, completed the 2016 Market Value Analysis (MVA) for Allegheny County. A similar MVA was completed with the Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority in 2016. The Market Value Analysis (MVA) offers an approach for community...
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