2 Datensätze gefunden

Lizenzen: Creative Commons Attribution Formate: ZIP Tags: property

Ergebnisse filtern
  • Property Data with Geographic Identifiers

    Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center

    These datasets are clones of popular WPRDC datasets from various publishers that have been reverse-geocoded to add geographic identifiers (e.g., municipality and neighborhood). Follow the links in the file descriptions for more information on the original datasets. If you get a timeout error when trying to download...
  • Housing Market Value Analysis - Urban Redevelopment Authority

    Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh

    In late 2016, the URA, in conjunction with Reinvestment Fund, completed the 2016 Market Value Analysis (MVA) for the City of Pittsburgh. The Market Value Analysis (MVA) offers an approach for community revitalization; it recommends applying interventions not only to where there is a need for development but also in...
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