Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
PARID text Parcel Identification Number

A 16 character unique identifier for the parcel.

FULL_ADDRESS text Full address

Full street address of the parcel, formed by combining the various separate address fields in the sales record.

PROPERTYHOUSENUM text Property Location House Number

House Number for the physical location of property; may be zero or blank.

PROPERTYFRACTION text Property Location House Number Fraction

Continued House Number information for the physical location of property, such as 1/2, the house number ending range, or a letter.

PROPERTYADDRESSDIR text Property Location Street Directional

Directional indicator of the street name for the physical location of the property.

PROPERTYADDRESSSTREET text Property Location Street Name

Street name for the physical location of the property.

PROPERTYADDRESSSUF text Property Location Street Type

Suffix of the street name for the physical location of the property.

PROPERTYADDRESSUNITDESC text Property Location Unit Description

Unit description for the physical location of the property.

PROPERTYUNITNO text Property Location Unit Number

Unit number for the physical location of the property.

PROPERTYCITY text Property Location City Name

City where the property is physically located.

PROPERTYSTATE text Property Location State Name

State where the property is physically located.

PROPERTYZIP text Property Location Zip code

Zip Code where the property is physically located.

SCHOOLCODE text School District Code

School district number associated with specified parcel.

SCHOOLDESC text School District Name

School district name associated with specified parcel.

MUNICODE text Municipality Name

Municipality name associated with specified parcel.

MUNIDESC text Municipality Name

Municipality name associated with specified parcel.

RECORDDATE date Date Sale was Recorded

Date the sale was recorded in the Department of Real Estate. Format dd/mm/yyyy.

SALEDATE date Sale Date

Date the sale occurred. Format dd/mm/yyyy.

PRICE float8 Sale Price

Amount paid for the sale (also called consideration).

DEEDBOOK text Deed Book Number

Cross-reference to the physical book number where the deed is on file in the Department of Real Estate.

DEEDPAGE text Page Number

Page within the specified deed book corresponding to the first page of this physical deed.

SALECODE text Sale Validation Code

A subjective categorization code denoting whether or not the sale price was representative of current market value. These categorizations are subject to change as sales are reviewed by the Office of Property Assessments or during a reassessment. See further explanation in the "Sale Validation Codes Dictionary" resource.

SALEDESC text Sale Validation Code Description

A description of the code denoting whether or not the sale price was representative of current market value. These categorizations are subject to change as sales are reviewed by the Office of Property Assessments or during a reassessment. See further explanation in the "Sale Validation Codes Details” resource.

INSTRTYP text Instrument Type

A code describing the type of document used to record the real property transfer.

INSTRTYPDESC text Instrument Description

A description of the type of document used to record the real property transfer.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 29, 2025
Metadata last updated March 29, 2025
Created December 2, 2024
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id9e0ce87d-07b8-420c-a8aa-9de6104f61d6
Url typedatapusher