Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
permit_id text Permit ID

Unique identifier for permits. (This is the only value that should be used as an UUID in this dataset.)

permit_type text Permit type

The nature of the permit. See the general notes (in the dataset description) for more information about permit types. As of winter of 2022, there are only 13 values allowed in this field.

owner_name text Owner name

Owner of the property/entity that work is performed on.

contractor_name text Contractor name

The business/individual performing the work on the permits (e.g., John Doe's Construction).

work_description text Work description

Unstructured text field with a detailed description of the work.

work_type text Work type

Classification of the work (e.g., COMPLETE DEMOLITION or NEW).

commercial_or_residential text Commercial or residential

A categorical variable describing if the work is taking place on residential or commercial property (the only values allowed are COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL, or null).

total_project_value int4 Total project value

The projected cost of the project. This is used to determine the cost of the permit, with more expensive jobs costing more.

issue_date date Issue date

The date that the permit was issued.

parcel_num text Parcel number

Alphanumeric identifier for the Allegheny County land parcel the where work takes place.

address text Address

Street address of the work location.

latitude float8
longitude float8
council_district text
neighborhood text
ward text
zip_code text
status text
workflows text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 26, 2025
Metadata last updated March 26, 2025
Created May 30, 2023
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idd0427f19-7303-43e0-b856-a58130d8cf92
Preview rows49,255
Total record count49,255
Url typedatapusher