Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
tax_year int4
parcel_id text Parcel ID

A 16-character unique identifier for the parcel.

class text Class

Broad self-explanatory categories for describing the general use of a parcel.

class_group text Class group

Class group: residential or commercial.

tax_status text Tax status

Tax Status indicates whether or not real estate taxes apply to a parcel's assessment. Parcels may be Taxable (must pay local taxes), Exempt (pay no taxes), or PURTA [Public Utility Realty Tax Act (if taxes are paid, they are paid into a state fund rather than to local taxing bodies)]. If a Parcel is Partially Exempt, they are listed as Taxable. Values: 'E' , 'T' or 'P' .

hear_type text Hearing type

A = Annual hearing.

on_behalf_of text On behalf of

Who filed the appeal - this may be more than one party. Examples: OWNER or OWNER/SCHOOL.

hrstatus text Hearing-status code

An alpha-numeric code indicating the appeal status, such as 00, 02A, 03A, or 04A.

hearing_status text Hearing status

Written description to correspond with the alpha-numeric code:

  • 00=The appeal has been received.
  • 02A=Hearing officer has reviewed and noted all applicable evidence.
  • 03A=Board Member has reviewed hearing officer recommendations and authorizes for Full Board Member review.
  • 04A=The value has been approved by the full board and posted to the assessment system. A Notice of Appeal Disposition (result) will be mailed to the interested parties. When applicable, a value change document is sent to all taxing bodies (County, School District and Municipality) to adjust the market value accordingly.
  • DNA=The appellant(s) did not appear for the scheduled hearing. Appeal file is closed.
  • PD=The appeal was filed after the filing deadline and is rejected.
  • WDN=The appeal has been withdrawn by the appellant. No hearing will be scheduled.
  • ABV=An appeal has been filed at the Board of Viewers - Court of Common Pleas and is pending a hearing. No hearing will be conducted at the Board of Property Assessment Appeals.
  • SUS=The appeal has been received but property owner has noted data errors that need to be verified and corrected before hearing can be scheduled. Hearing will be scheduled when necessary updates are complete. No further action required by property owner.
owner_name text Owner name

Owner Name for the parcel, on file from recorded property deeds for this tax year.

school_district_code text School district code

School district number associated with specified parcel.

school_district_name text School district name

School district name associated with specified parcel.

muni_code text Muni code

Municipality number associated with specified parcel.

municipality text Municipality

Municipality name associated with specified parcel.

prev_taxyr_mkt_value int4 Previous tax year market value

The previous base year appraised fair market value of land and building together. This value has had no reductions, not even Clean and Green preferential assessment reduction. Allegheny County currently uses a base year of 2012.

cur_mkt_value int4 Current market value

The base year appraised fair market value of land and building together. This value has had no reductions, not even Clean and Green preferential assessment reduction. Allegheny County currently uses a base year of 2012.

as_of date As of

Date the dataset was created.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 8, 2025
Metadata last updated March 8, 2025
Created September 5, 2024
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package idd0014e78-69d1-45ac-8d6c-236055f3b72e
Size104.9 KiB
Url typedatapusher