Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
CT text

Census Tract

BPAD text

Total number of members, who are Allegheny County residents and who were effectively enrolled for at least 90 continuous days during the 2015 calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31).

BPAN text

(Diagnosed): Total number of members who met the denominator criteria and are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

BPAN2 text

(Diagnosed & Medicated): Total number of members who met the denominator criteria, who are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, and had at least one Type 2 diabetes related medication claim.

BWAD text

Total number of women members, who are Allegheny County residents and who were effectively enrolled for at least 90 continuous days during the 2015 calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31).

BWAN text

(Diagnosed): Total number of women members who met the denominator criteria and are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

BWAN2 text

(Diagnosed & Medicated): Total number of women members who met the denominator criteria, who are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, and had at least one Type 2 diabetes related medication claim.

BMAD text

Total number of male members, who are Allegheny County residents and who were effectively enrolled for at least 90 continuous days during the 2015 calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31).

BMAN text

(Diagnosed): Total number of male members who met the denominator criteria and are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

BMAN2 text

(Diagnosed & Medicated): Total number of male members who met the denominator criteria, who are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, and had at least one Type 2 diabetes related medication claim.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 27, 2017
Metadata last updated May 21, 2023
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Created7 years ago
Media typetext/csv
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id23fa923f-fc4e-4d4f-9be3-8a78c6674c02
Revision ida6a74aa3-cb0b-4778-b652-69d0ae1bd7ad
Url typeupload