Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
report_id text Report ID

Unique identifier for the report.

vehicle_type text Vehicle type

Categorizes the observed vehicle as Private, Taxi, Ridehail, or Other.

vehicle_movement text Vehicle movement

Status of the observed vehicle (standing, parked, or loading).

plate_state text Plate state

Two-letter abbreviation for the state that issued the vehicle's license plate.

created_at_local timestamp Created at (local time)

The local time at which the violation was observed.

created_at_epoch numeric Created at (Epoch time, in ms)

The time at which the violation was observed in Unix-timestamp format (a.k.a., Epoch time), but in milliseconds rather than the conventional seconds. Unix timestamps measure the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT.

address text Address

Street address where the observation was made.

latitude numeric Latitude

Latitude of the observed vehicle.

longitude numeric Longitude

Longitude of the observed vehicle.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated November 19, 2019
Metadata last updated May 21, 2023
Created November 5, 2019
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id9a633755-da90-4bbb-aaaa-20e9ada109dc
Revision id8dcd56c7-687b-4368-b2dd-df315c7211d1
Size15.6 KiB
Url typeupload