City-Owned Properties
Dataset description:
Overview These data contain city-owned properties from the eProperties Plus database. The data describe basic aspects of the property (square footage, location, identification, etc.) and...
Source: City-Owned Properties
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
id | text | Record ID | ID of each property. This is the only value to use as a UUID for records in the eProperty Plus system, though there are other values that are unique to each record (listed below). See below for further notes on the |
pin | text | County parcel identifier | Standard 16-character parcel identifier for Allegheny County parcels. This is the only value to use as a UUID for individual properties (parcels), though there are other values that are unique to each record). The County and City use slightly different formats for parcel number. This is the County's format. (These values have been extracted from the |
address | text | Street address | Building number and street. When a structure is demolished the county removes the building number. The structure technically has no address at that point. These properties have a building number of zero. |
owner | text | Owner | Name of the Party record identified as the owner of the property in the eProperty Plus system. Only properties that are owned by the city appear in this dataset. The city owns the majority of the vacant properties in the source dataset, and various organizations (e.g., School District of Pittsburgh) own most of the remaining properties. Individual residents also own vacant properties (accounting for several hundred properties as of June 2023). |
parc_sq_ft | float8 | Parcel area (ft^2) | Square footage of each parcel of land assigned to the property. |
class | text | Property class | Classification of the property itself, constrained to one of these three values: "Vacant Land", "Not Classified", "Building". |
zoned_as | text | Zoned as | Zoning classification of the property. |
inventory_type | text | Inventory type | "Hold for Study", "URA Transfer", "Privately Owned", "Public Sale", "Infrastructure Protection", "CDC Property Reserve", "Unknown Public Use", "Greenway", "PLB Transfer", "Hold For Study", "Park", "null", "Other Public Use", "City Facility", "Unknown". |
current_status | text | Current status | Status of the property, constrained to the following values: "Acquisition Pending", "Available for Sale", "Approved for Sale", "Cancelled", "Hold for Study", "Litigation Pending", "New", "Permanent City Ownership", "Privately Owned", "Redeemed", "Sale Pending", "Sold", "Transferred", "Unknown". |
acquisition_method | text | Acquisition method | The listed method of acquiring the property, constrained to the following values: "Donation", "Purchase", "Sheriff Sale", "Treasurer Sale", "Unknown", or null. |
acquisition_date | date | Acquistion date | The date the property was acquired by the current owner. |
last_updated | date | Record update date | The date that the record's status was last changed. |
latitude | float8 | Latitude | Property location latitude. |
longitude | float8 | Longitude | Property location longitude. |
census_tract | text | Census tract | The property's assigned Census Tract. There are roughly 100 different options configured. This will return a 4-digit code (i.e., "9805" or "1401"). |
neighborhood_name | text | Neighborhood name | The name of the neighborhood containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
council_district | text | Council district | The council district containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
ward | text | Ward | The ward containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
fire_zone | text | Fire zone | The fire zone containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
police_zone | text | Police zone | The police zone containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
dpw_streets | text | DPW Streets Division zone | The Department of Public Works (DPW) Streets Division zone containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
dpw_enviro | text | DPW Environmental Services zone | The DPW Environmental Services zone containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
dpw_parks | text | DPW Parks Division zone | The DPW Parks Division zone containing the latitude and longitude for the location in question. |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | March 3, 2025 |
Metadata last updated | March 3, 2025 |
Created | June 1, 2023 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution |
Dataspatial active | True |
Dataspatial status | active |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Id | e1dcee82-9179-4306-8167-5891915b62a7 |
Package id | 53b09a0f-a419-4cc7-bdd1-4f40ce7515b4 |
Position | 0 |
State | active |
Url type | datapusher |