Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Client ID text

Allegheny County Health Department Client Identification Number Id numbers are either 4 or 12 digits

Name text

Name of the store In cases where the store is part of a chain, the name can look identical.

Legal Name text

The official name of the corporation that completed the permit application The Legal name can, but does not have to match the field "Name"

Start Date text

The initial date the permit was issued

Street # text Building number
Street Name text

Street the Food Venue is located on

State text
Zip text ZIP code
Lat text

Geographic measurement. Measures North & South (used as Y axis in mapping)

Lon text

Geographic measurement. Measures East & West (Used as X axis in mapping)

Accuracy text
Category text

Designates weather the store is a convenience store of a supermarket (These categories were based off of the ACHD fee and permit system 2016)

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated January 23, 2017
Metadata last updated May 21, 2023
Created January 23, 2017
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id690409e3-27e2-47a1-beed-fd600097f951
Revision id804f2976-d49f-4a41-837a-6895b9a74926
Url typeupload