Property Assessment Appeals 2015-2025
2015-2025 Dispositions included as of February 13, 2025.
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
PARCEL ID | text | PARCEL ID | 16-digit unique parcel identifier |
TAX YEAR | numeric | TAX YEAR | The tax year the annual assessment appeal was filed |
CLASS | text | Broad self-explanatory categories for describing the general use of a parcel. Categories: R - RESIDENTIAL, U - UTILITIES, I - INDUSTRIAL, C - COMMERCIAL, O - OTHER, G - GOVERNMENT, F - AGRICULTURAL. |
CLASS GROUP | text | CLASS GROUP | Class group: residential or commercial |
TAX_STATUS | text | TAX_STATUS | Tax status: Taxable, tax-exempt, or PURTA |
MUNI_CODE | numeric | MUNI_CODE | Municipality code/tax district numeric code |
MUNI_NAME | text | MUNI_NAME | Municipality name and ward description |
SCHOOL_CODE | text | SCHOOL_CODE | School district code |
SCHOOL_DISTRICT | text | SCHOOL_DISTRICT | School district name |
HEARING_TYPE | text | HEARING_TYPE | Annual hearing |
COMPLAINANT | text | COMPLAINANT | The entity filing the appeal: property owner, school district, municipality, or a combination |
HEARING_STATUS | text | HEARING_STATUS | An alpha-numeric code indicating the appeal is finished (04A) |
STATUS | text | Status | Inspection Status |
PRE APPEAL LAND | numeric | PRE APPEAL LAND | Land value at time of appeal |
PRE APPEAL BLDG | numeric | PRE APPEAL BLDG | Building value at time of appeal |
PRE APPEAL TOTAL | numeric | PRE APPEAL TOTAL | Total property value at time of appeal |
POST APPEAL LAND | numeric | POST APPEAL LAND | Land value after appeal |
POST APPEAL BLDG | numeric | POST APPEAL BLDG | Building value after appeal |
POST APPEAL TOTAL | numeric | POST APPEAL TOTAL | Total property value after appeal |
HEARING CHANGE AMOUNT | numeric | HEARING CHANGE AMOUNT | Difference between the post- and pre-appeal value |
LAST UPDATE REASON | text | LAST UPDATE REASON | The reason for most recent assessment update. If the most recent update was a result of a BPAAR hearing it will show HF or HR. Any other reasons shown are due to a value change after the BPAAR appeal. Codes beginning with a C are related to BOV appeal values being applied. Other codes show a subsequent change occurring due to normal operations, like abatements, building permits, corrections, exemptions and subdivision plans (Split or Combination). |
CURRENT LAND VALUE | numeric | CURRENT LAND VALUE | Land value at the time the report was run. May have changed since the hearing was disposed. |
CURRENT BLDG VALUE | numeric | CURRENT BLDG VALUE | Building value at the time the report was run. May have changed since the hearing was disposed. |
CURRENT TOTAL VALUE | numeric | CURRENT TOTAL VALUE | Total value at the time the report was run. May have changed since the hearing was disposed. |
CURRENT VALUE vs PRE APPEAL | numeric | CURRENT VALUE vs PRE APPEAL | The monetary difference between the pre-hearing total value (land + building) and the current total value |
HEARING DATE | text | HEARING DATE | Date of the appeal hearing |
DISPO DATE | text | DISPO DATE | Date of the hearing disposition |
ELAPSED_DAYS | numeric | ELAPSED_DAYS | Days between the hearing date and the disposition |
unsafe_ | text | Unnamed Column |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | January 31, 2025 |
Metadata last updated | February 22, 2025 |
Created | May 12, 2023 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons CCZero |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Hash | d35fa6c763925e110415ed06d725c735 |
Id | 8e92a566-b52b-4d10-9fb5-c18b883cd926 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Package id | 2019f508-2708-4dca-a0d5-cb82c1840c7d |
Position | 0 |
Preview | True |
Preview rows | 91,955 |
Size | 21 MiB |
State | active |
Total record count | 91,955 |
Url type | upload |