Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
month date Month

Month of the event

location text Location

Location of the event

school_name text School Name

School that participants attend

libraries text Libraries

Library that took part in event

special_event text Special Event

Notes on any special event type

outreach_group text Outreach Group

Group classification of the participating organization

average_participant_age text Avg age (outreach contacts)

Average age of participant group. Only used for outreach activities

programming text Programming

Name of the programming for each event.

date date Date

Date of the event. For in-park contacts, only the month is recorded.

time text Time

Time of event. Only applies to certain programming and events. For full day events, the starting time is recorded.

contact_type text Contact type

The contact method for participants at the parks or at an event elsewhere in the county. Participants are people that participate in Ranger programming like a guided hike. In-park contacts are people the Rangers interact with each day while patrolling the parks. Activity contacts refer to a large activity held in a park.

number int4 Number

Number of participants at the event.

volunteer_hours text Volunteer Hours

Number of hours volunteers contributed

ranger_trail_work_hours float8 Ranger Trail Work Hours

Number of hours worked by rangers.

notes text Notes

Any notes on no-shows, weather, etc.

latitude float8 Latitude

Latitude of the event location.

longitude float8 Longitude

Longitude of the event location.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 2, 2025
Metadata last updated March 3, 2025
Created January 21, 2020
Format CSV
License Creative Commons CCZero
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Package id01894671-26ec-423c-985c-55c66220e433
Revision id01365e38-611c-4f1c-9d85-9deddd2d55bf
Size361.7 KiB
Url typedatapusher