4 datasets found

Tags: pli

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  • This dataset contains condemned properties in the City of Pittsburgh and is maintained by the Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections (PLI). Some of the properties are labelled as "dead-end", which means that they are condemned properties for which PLI cannot locate the owner. Properties are classified as...
  • PLI Permits

    City of Pittsburgh

    NOTE: The data pipeline for this dataset has been switched to a new feed which should alleviate the previous problem of partial updates (you can still check agency counter to verify the completeness of the records published here). However, we are still working on restoring the owner_name field, so for now some owner...
  • This dataset originally housed Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections violations (2015-2020), and has now been expanded to include violations logged by other units (including DOMI) from 2020-06-01 until the present. These data are used to manage and track all updates to casefiles by city employees and can...
  • This is now a historical archive. For current PLI permits, and permits dating back to 2019-06-01, see the new PLI Permits dataset. Summary of building permits Issued by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Permits Licenses and Inspections (PLI).
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